Chapter 42

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John POV

Remi and Luke had run off, chasing the man who killed Rei. Meanwhile, the rest of us were fighting an incredibly powerful duo, and it was not looking great. Isen was knocked out in the first few seconds of combat, trying to take one of them head-on. My and Arlo's barriers had cracked multiple times, and Seraphina was barely able to slow them down. This is not going very well. I say to myself as one of them, who we dubbed "Gemini" due to his ability to create a copy of himself, had just very nearly shattered one of Arlo's barriers, and would have if I hadn't reinforced it. What's even worse is that they appeared to have a healer somewhere, since they barely took any reflective damage.

"Regroup!" Blyke yells through the microphones, picking Isen up and carrying him over to the side of a building where we all go immediately. As soon as I turned around, the other person, who we called "Blink", had appeared right behind me and kicked me in the back, disappearing before I could retaliate. "This is not going well." Arlo says, fending off another of Gemini's attacks. "We have to at least hold out until X-Rei and Vanguard get back." Blyke says, shooting beams at Gemini. 

"Defend me. I have a plan to deal with Blink." I say, concentrating. Just before he appears, I sense his aura, copying his ability before swinging my fist right where his head appears. My attack connects, sending him stumbling back, only for me to follow him. He then appears behind me, kicking me again, and I sweep his legs out from under him, teleporting above him, with my foot inches from his face. Before I can bring my foot down, he teleports beside me, but I create a barrier surrounding him, and force him back to the ground. "You can't win. Just surrender." I demand. 

"I know I'll lose. But he won't." He responds, teleporting away as I get punched in the back by Gemini. I use an energy beam to stay on my feet before diving to the side as Blink tackles right where I was. "Can I get some help over here?" I say into the microphone as I continue to fend off attacks from Blink. Suddenly, a gleaming red beam pierces one of Blinks ankles, immobilizing him long enough for me to knock him unconscious. 

"Thanks, Goku." I say into the microphone, charging back to the group, where Gemini had already gotten back, switching the physicality of his two bodies to keep them unbalanced. The real fight's with that one. I say to myself as I hit him in the back. Unluckily, I had attacked the false one, and stumbled through it. "John!" Sera exclaims, running towards me, sticking her arm out to block what looked like a syringe headed for my neck. "Sera!!!" I yell in concern as she stumbles backwards. "Die, asshole!" I scream, punching Gemini across the pavement.

To our surprise, he gets back up, and charges at the group. "You still want more? Fine. I'll take you on." I yell at him, charging. Just before he can hit me, I stop and try to sweep his feet out from underneath him - only for my leg to pass through his. Crap. I say to myself, diving to the side to avoid his attack. I'm not going to win. But I have to. For Sera!!! I scream at myself. I get a sudden rush of energy, and instead of questioning it, immediately put it to use, copying my fifth ability - Gemini's.

"You want a fight? I'll give you a fight, jackass." I say, activating all my abilities in rapid succession. I first form a barrier around him, boxing him in, but leaving the front, facing me, open. Just as I expected, he was in the other copy, which I promptly guided into the barrier with my second ability - Blyke's energy beams. He tried rushing out at me, but I used the third ability at my disposal - Isen's hunter, letting me push him back into my cage. I then create a copy of myself using his own ability, and I make use of Blink's ability to warp both of me around, constantly switching between them so that Gemini had no idea where I would appear from. 

First, he falls to one knee against my onslaught. Then, both. Before long, I have him splayed out before me, unconscious and with many wounds.

"Let's tie them up and wait here for the others." Isen suggests, having just woken up. "Welcome back to the land of the living." I respond, beginning to tie up the criminals before walking back to Sera. "You okay?" I ask, concerned. "I'll be fine. Where did the other two get to?" She asks. "I'll go find them." I say as I start teleporting around, searching for them.


Name: Deus (Gemini)
Ability: Doppelgänger
Level: 9.7
Physical Description: 6'3", bald, black jacket, shirt and pants. No mask.
Ability Description: Doppelgänger allows the user to create a copy of themselves and switch their physical position with their copy whenever they please.
Passive: Increased physical attributes

Name: Miko (Blink)
Ability: Blink
Level: 9.6
Physical Description: 6'6", green hair, black jacket, shirt and pants. No mask
Ability Description: Blink gives the user the ability to teleport many times in quick succession, but at the cost of distance. Compared to other teleportation abilities, it has a low range, but also incredibly short cooldown time.
Passive: Heightened senses.

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