Bonus Fight 3

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Arlo, Remi, Blyke, Isen, Seraphina vs John

The six god-tiers take their positions as Elaine begins counting them down. "3… 2… 1… GO!" She calls, commencing the fight.

Knowing it would be useless to hold off on using their abilities, the five powered up, trying to figure out what John's strategy would be.

The man in question made no moves, giving nothing away as he stood there, his aura jet black with flecks of deep oranges and rich golds, extending towards the sky. Suddenly, it vanished.

Like the calm before the storm, John stood there, eyes closed, hands relaxed at his sides as his adversaries tried to figure him out. Opening his eyes, he took a fighting stance, a predator's gaze sweeping the battlefield, scanning those standing opposite him.

He charged at Isen first, trying to use his strength to break through his defences. He succeeded in part, catching him off balance, but wasn't able to completely break through his defensive stance. Isen retaliated, throwing a punch at his midsection, which was sidestepped by John mere moments before a transparent blockade enclosed the space John had left.

Before John could land a hit on Isen, a shockwave blew him backwards, sending him flying through the air as Blyke charged between the two. Blyke kept John at bay by launching a constant volley of beams at him, which the raven-haired man deflected, using Blyke's energy beam combined with Arlo's barrier and Isen's hunter.

While he was distracted by Blyke and Isen, Remi and Seraphina had crept around to his sides, deactivating their abilities so as not to be sensed by John. Getting closer, Seraphina activated her ability, simultaneously slowing John down and speeding Remi up, making it impossible for John to dodge the storm Remi sent screaming at him, kicking up a large amount of dust.

When the dust clears, John is encased in a black barrier, tinged with pink, signifying his use of Seraphina's ability to turn back time and reduce the damage sustained by his shield. Letting his barrier fall, he uses Remi's lightning combined with Isen's hunter to send a powerful bolt of pure electricity crackling through the air at Seraphina, the greatest threat on the field.

Running around at great speeds, she tries to avoid the glowing streak following her, but to no avail. As it is about to catch up to her, a transparent yellow barrier encloses it, cracking dangerously as the lightning slowly fades.

Before Arlo can take his barrier down, John shoots a concentrated beam directly at the center of the web of cracks, completely shattering the barrier. As the shards dissolve into nothingness, John erects a barrier between each of his five opponents before sweeping them all together, making it easier for him to stand up to their assault. Shooting beams at them, John slowly advances. Arlo places a barrier around his team, and John smirks. Multiple black tendrils erupt from the ground, one slicing down Arlo's right leg as Blyke and Remi launch lightning and energy at others, holding them off.

Isen charges at John, engaging him in a fist fight. As John tries to block one of Isen's punches, he gets hit in the side, right where his arm moved from, by Seraphina, who left the area before John could retaliate. Trying to block another strike, his arm is stopped by a barrier. Isen ducks a punch, revealing Blyke standing right behind him, sending out a wave of energy, knocking John into the air. Unable to control his flight, John collides with the lightning Remi sent up, sending him hurtling through the air even faster.

Crashing into the ground, John manages to stand back up. Looking at his opponents once again, he smiles, deactivating his ability in surrender.

"John loses!" Elaine shouts, barely audible from the distance they had traveled during the fight.

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