Chapter 5

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Isen POV
Guess I'd better find John, then. I say to myself as the lunch bell rings. Where would he be… Oh! I mentally exclaim as I remember seeing him and Seraphina head up to the roof more times than I can count. Better get going, then. As I round a corner, I see the raven-haired teen being shoved to the side of the hallway by some weak mid-tier with gray hair. Oh boy… I think to myself before approaching them, roughly hauling the mid-tier, Gavin, off of John.

"Don't you have better things to be doing?" I say, irritated. At least John didn't get hit. I think, searching for a silver lining.

"S-sorry for disrupting y-you, Isen." He stutters.

I sigh in frustration. "Just get out of here." I tell him.

"O-okay." He says nervously before running off.

I sigh once again, before catching John trying to slip away.

"Hey, I need to ask you some questions. You mind if we chat in private?" I ask him.

"Actually, I DO mind." He responds angrily.

Perfect. Getting a reaction out of him like this will be easy. I think, almost letting a grin through.

"Haha, good one." I say, guiding him to an empty classroom.

"Fine, but make it quick. I don't have all day."

Skip the interrogation because I don't feel like making up questions.

"What are you trying to pull here?" He questions, grabbing onto my collar. I thought I saw something change with his eyes, but it passed by so quickly I couldn't be sure.

"Hey, hey, I'm just trying to write another great article!" I protest.

He lets out a long breath "Get it from somewhere else." He retorts, roughly letting go. 

Sheesh! I say to myself. At least I got a reaction out of him. Something definitely happened in his past. I think as he walks out of the room.

When the door closes, I take the mini camera that Arlo had me wear on my collar off, making sure it was undamaged. Thank God it's not broken. Arlo would've had my head if I had failed! I say to myself as I exit the room, and begin searching for Arlo.

Arlo POV

"Gaaah!" I groan as I fall to the ground, defeated. I bought you as much time as possible, Isen. I say to myself as I lie there. You better have something.

Suddenly, I see a shadow standing over me. Luke.

"Need a hand getting to the infirmary?" He asks.

"I can manage on my own." I respond, getting up from the floor.

After making my way to the infirmary and having Doc heal me up, accompanied with the expected grumbling about his job, I begin searching for Isen. We finally meet up a few minutes before the bell rings, and he explains what happened with John, handing me the camera.

"... Then I think I saw something going on with his eyes…" I hear Isen say, launching me deep into thought. Something weird happened with his eyes? Could it have been his ability activating? Or was it just him becoming more defensive and tensing up? There's no way to be sure until I review the footage. I conclude.

"Thank you Isen. That will be all." I say before walking down the hallway as the bell starts ringing. I'll find out what you're up to, John. I say to myself as I walk to my next class.

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