Chapter 65

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3rd POV

John merely stood there as the group charged him. Blyke shot a few beams at him, but John dodged them easily enough. Isen and Adrion tried to attack him simultaneously, but failed to land a hit, being repelled once again by John's incredible skill. Remi shot lightning at him, which John tried to sidestep. However, a shimmering yellow barrier appeared right in his way, forcing him to take the full force of the lightning. He didn't even flinch. 

Using Blyke's ability, John forced the group to retreat again. "Can't you do anything about this?" Remi asks Luke. "I'm trying my best. I can't do anything! He's gotten so strong in his time here!" He says, frustrated. 

The group once again tries to attack John, this time with Isen and Adrion staying back and throwing rocks at him, and Luke using his daggers to keep John away. At first, John's defenses seem to be as solid as a steel wall, quickly forcing Luke to abandon one dagger to the floor, but they soon begin pushing him back, despite John putting up multiple sentries with Blyke's ability. One of the rocks Adrion throws gets obliterated by a beam, but a shard manages to make it through, striking John in the temple.

Stumbling back, John widens his eyes. His pupils dilate, and he throws his head back, clawing at his forehead with his hands, letting out a loud cry of agony. "AUGHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He screams, his sentries shooting beams at an impossible rate, forcing them to retreat for a third time. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!" John yells, looking between his fingers, a pained expression on his face. "SERA!" He calls out, getting her attention. "Save me." He says softly, his pupils dilating at an alarming rate before settling back to their wild, predatory state.

Keon POV

"What the hell happened there!?" I ask, outraged. "I don't know, sir. He used the temporary trauma of a blow to the head to regain control. It won't happen again." He says, gritting his teeth. "It had better not." I say, leaning back in my chair, checking on the other situation.

My soldiers were easily fending off the attacks of Vaughn's freedom fighters, barely taking any damage at all. This is going perfectly. I say to myself, relaxing in my chair. Soon, Vaughn and his lackeys will be no more, and a potential uprising from Wellston will be squashed. We'll remain in power for much longer. I think to myself, grinning.


Name: Imperi
Ability: Dominate Person
Level: 10+
Physical Description: 5'11, orange hair, blood red eyes, black jacket, black jeans.
Ability Description: Dominate Person allows the user to gain complete control of one's body and ability. However, if the target is powerful enough, they can break the effect, regaining control of themselves.
Passive: Sense thoughts

Hello! This the sixth and final bonus chapter I'm going to post to make up for the 11th - 16th, when I won't be able to upload.

As always, hope you enjoyed and look forward to seeing you guys in future updates!

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