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3rd POV

It was the end of the school year, and the graduation ceremony had just ended. John, Luke, Remi, Blyke, Isen, Elaine, Seraphina, Claire, Adrion and Arlo were all sitting in Woaba Boba, still in their graduation gowns, aside from Arlo, who graduated a year prior.

Lots had changed in the past couple years. Arlo and Elaine were enjoying the lack of tension between the tiers, as they were still a couple. John and Seraphina were also still in a relationship, and had been since the end of their third year. Luke and Remi confessed their feelings for eachother, and were also in a semi-serious relationship. Claire and Adrion were together, as well. The only ones left out were Blyke and Isen, who had, in true Blyke and Isen fashion, agreed to marry each other if neither of them was married by the time they were forty.

"So, we're finally leaving this place, huh?" John says, smiling. "I guess you are." Arlo responds. "Speak for yourselves. Darren agreed to let me stay on as his apprentice." Elaine boasted. "Yeah, Keene said he'd let me stay on as part of security." Isen said defensively. "At least you guys have clear career paths." Luke grumbled. "Hey, with your ability, you can do anything." Remi assured. "That's the issue. There's so much that I can do, that I don't know what I want to do!" Luke complained, much to the amusement of the others. "How about security? It'd be difficult for anybody to get by you. You can sense any abilities, and have daggers and combat training if things go south." Adrion suggested. "Hey, did we come here to plan out the next few decades or to celebrate?" Claire reminded everyone. "Right. Come on, things like this don't happen everyday! Party at my and John's place!" Luke announced. 

Shortly after, the group enjoyed a night of partying and playing games at the cousin's house. Before long, it was dark outside, and everything in the house had been drunk (no alcohol, for those of you wondering). They were all sitting down in the living room, playing some games, when suddenly, Claire put her controller down. "Claire, what's wrong?" Adrion asked, looking over to see her eyes glowing. "What do you see?" He asked her, causing the others to turn and look too. "I see us. All of us." She responded simply, a smile on her face.

Hello! So sorry about not uploading yesterday, Wattpad was having issues with publishing the part for some reason.

With that said, I hope you enjoyed the story! I have a few bonus things prepped, mostly just bouts between the group in the future, so that'll be coming the next few days.

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