Prologue: Part 2

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3rd POV

At first, they both just stand there, Luke in a fighting stance, legs slightly bent, arms up, and Arlo, standing up straight, arms at his sides. For a few seconds, nothing happens.

Then, Luke charges toward Arlo, preparing a punch. Just what Arlo was waiting for. He puts up a barrier right in front of Luke, a smug look on his face. Then, activating his ability, Luke proceeds to punch straight through Arlo's barrier. Coughing up blood, Arlo doubles over in pain, only to meet the knee of his opponent, sending him stumbling backwards before collapsing to the ground. Another barrier suddenly appears, but this one is surrounding Arlo, and shrinking rapidly. 

"Do you surrender?" Luke asks.

"....... I surrender, Luke. You win." Arlo admits.

"Good. Let's get you to the infirmary, shall we?" Luke asks, suddenly cheerful.

Meanwhile, the students that had seen the fight unfold begin to talk.

"Did you see that?"

"What just happened?"

"Two hits???"

While the students were discussing, Headmaster Vaughn, who had watched the event unfold on the security cameras, simply sipped his tea. "Interesting…" was the only word he gave voice to, millions more echoing in his thoughts.


Name: Luke Buck (1st year)
Ability: Aura Channelling
Level: 7.3
Physical Description: 6'1", Midnight blue hair, Slate gray eyes, Wears vest, jacket and tie with uniform.
Ability Description: Aura Channelling allows the user to completely control the flowing of auras in the immediate vicinity. They can enhance, weaken, or nullify abilities as long as they are powerful enough. They can also "overload" an area of an opponent's body, causing excruciating pain in the specified area. They can also force others to activate their abilities, using other's energy as if it was their own.
Passive: Aura sensing

Name: Arlo (2nd year)
Ability: Barrier
Level: 5.4
Physical Description: 5'9", Blond hair, Blue eyes, wears jacket and tie with uniform.
Ability Description: Barrier allows the user to create flat or dome-like structures, which are incredibly resilient and hard to damage. Also allows the user to reflect any damage dealt to the barrier to the opponent. However, if the barrier is broken or damaged, the user takes damage as well.
Passive: Increased durability

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