Chapter 52

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Arlo POV

I guess I'm teaming up with Luke now, huh? I say to myself, walking down to the office. I must say, I am impressed with how quickly they've managed to turn the hierarchy on its head. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. I think, coming to a stop outside the door.

Before I can knock, a voice sounds from inside the room. "Come on in, Arlo." Keene says. Opening the door, I notice that I'm among the first to get there, only Remi and Luke beating me. "Sit down, and wait for the others." Vaughn says, sipping at his ever-present tea.

A few minutes pass, and before long, the rest of the members have arrived. "Greetings, council members. As you all know, I am Headmaster Vaughn. The reason behind the forming of this council is to give those who would otherwise be unheard a voice, presenting their tier's views on matters in the school. However, your power is not unlimited. Any and all decisions must be approved by either myself or Mr Keene, here. Do I make myself clear?" He explains. "Yes Headmaster." We all respond.

"Good. You are free to go." After he concludes, we begin filing out of the room. "Luke, Remi, Arlo, and Isen, a word." He says as the others leave the room. "What is it, Headmaster?" Luke asks respectfully. "I require your assistance on a matter regarding the criminals you apprehended in the recent days." He says. "What about them?" Isen asks, curious. "It would seem that they are planning an escape. Unfortunately, we are spread far too thin to cover all possible routes. We require your assistance, as well as that of your friends. If you would agree to assist, we would be most grateful." He says.

"I'm in, and I'll try convincing John to help, too. What about you guys?" Luke says, after a moment's thought. "I'll help out, and do my best to get Blyke on board." Isen says. "I'll help." Remi says dutifully. "I'll do all that I can." I say. "Excellent. I'd like to speak with John personally, however, Luke." Vaughn says. "Then have at it." Luke says, relieved that he didn't need to stick himself into the death trap that is John. "Thank you for your cooperation, heroes." Vaughn says, dismissing us. "This'll be fun." Luke says as we exit.

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