Chapter 39

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Claire POV

"Woaba Boba? What's that?" Adrion asks. "It's a great place that I like to go to unwind and just chat with friends." John explains. "Some of my friends are there right now, actually. They've been quite anxious to meet you." He continues, starting to walk. "Sure, let's go!" I say, following him. "Hey, wait up!" Adrion says, hurrying to catch up.

Timeskip to Woaba Boba

"And here we are!" John says, pushing open the doors. "John, over here!" A girl with purple hair sprinkled with green calls out. "Hey guys!" John says, taking a seat around the table, and pointing at two others, right next to each other, in which Adrion and I sit. "Guys, meet Arlo, Blyke, Isen, Remi, Luke, Elaine, and Sera." He says, pointing to each of them in turn. "You all, meet Claire and Adrion." He says. "Hi!" Remi greets. "Hello." Arlo says. "Sup." Blyke says, sticking out his hand. "Greetings." Isen says, winking at me. "Hey." Sera says, barely looking up from her phone. "Hello!" Elaine says, excited. "Hi." Luke says, waving. 

"Alright, now that the introductions are out of the way, let's get something to drink." John says, waving a waitress over. "I'll have a mango boba, please." He says. "I'll have the same." Sera adds. "Orange for me!" Elaine chimes in. "Peach, please." Remi says. "Grape." Isen says. "Blueberry." Blyke adds. "I'll have a mango as well, please." Luke says. "Black coffee." Arlo says emotionlessly. "I'll have a blueberry one, please." Adrion says. "I'll have a peach." I add. "Okay, I'll be back with your drinks soon!" The waitress says before walking off.

"You're going to have to order an actual drink one of these days, okay, Arlo?" John says. "See now, that's where you're wrong." Arlo responds. "So you guys are from New Bostin as well?" Isen asks me and Adrion. "Yes, we are." Adrion answers. "Why'd you guys decide to come here?" Blyke asks. "We wanted the chance to attend the most prestigious school in the country. Lucky for us, we managed to make it in." I reply. "Cool." Blyke says. 

"What are your abilities?" Elaine asks. "Well, mine's clairvoyance." I say. "And mine's just a subtle enhancement. Just enhances my reflexes and strength. Standard mid-tier stuff." Adrion answers. "Cool!" Elaine says in response. "What can you guys all do?" I ask. "I'm a healer." Elaine says. "Not much more than I could when you last saw me." John responds. "Make barriers." Arlo says, emotionless as ever. I already like him the least. I say to myself. "I can track people and see and hear through walls." Isen says. "I can make beams from energy." Blyke replies. "Generate lightning." Remi says enthusiastically. "Freeze time." Sera says, still looking at her phone. "And I can control aura flow, which you guys must know all about, being John's friends." Luke says. "Those are pretty cool! You guys must be powerful." Adrion says. "Strength doesn't matter." Luke says. "At least, it shouldn't." He corrects himself as our drinks arrive. "Enjoy!" The waitress says, walking over to another customer. 

For a couple hours, we just sit and chat about everyday things. By the time we leave the store, it's already dark out. "Let's start heading back." Isen suggests. "Why, scared of the dark?" Blyke jokes. "No, I've got to finish writing an article." Isen responds unconvincingly. Man, he really is a terrible liar. I say to myself. "Hah, scaredy-cat!" Blyke shouts. "Guys, relax. Let's just get back to campus. I'm getting a bad feeling." Remi says. Shortly after, we arrive at the school, and we all split up to go to our respective dorms.

3rd POV

"They were already a formidable force, but now they've got even more people on their side!?!?" A deep voice rings out. "Calm down. It won't matter how many of them there are. We'll still be able to test its strength." Another, gravelly voice says. "You're right. Even if we can't fully defeat them, we'll get a full test of its capabilities." The first voice responds, disappearing into the shadows. 

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