Chapter 7

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Sera POV

School had just let out, and me and John were walking over to his place. John had something to tell me - something important, based on his body language. I hope nothing's wrong. I say to myself as we continue on our way.

Skip to John's place (that he shares with Luke, I forgot to mention)

John POV

Well, here goes nothing. Scratch that, here goes EVERYTHING. I say to myself. 

"Alright. Sera, first, there's something you should know about me." I say, looking at the floor. "What? Are you a murderer?" She jokes back. "Here, let me show you." I say, looking her straight in the eyes, activating my ability. Her eyes widen in surprise. "W-w-what!!??" She exclaims. "You have an ability!?" She questions. "Yes, but let me start from the beginning." I say.

"First of all, for most of my life,I had been a cripple. Back in New Bostin, everyone at school bullied me for being 'weak'. Then, I suddenly manifested my ability: Aura Manipulation. It lets me copy and enhance other people's abilities. When it manifested, I quickly became the most powerful student in my school. And that's where it goes downhill." I summarize.

"I was a terrible King. Beating my own subjects to a pulp if they dared look at me funny. Eventually, my best friend, Claire, saw what we were doing for what it was, and rallied half my class against me. My other friend, Adrion, tried to warn me, but I wouldn't listen. I beat him up for saying that Claire would 'betray' me. I never deserved to have such a loyal friend." I say, tearing up.

"Then, Claire lured me out to the field, and ambushed me with half of my class. I hospitalized every single one of them. Eventually, it was just me and Claire left. She started calling me names, trying to get through to me. I wouldn't listen. I was a monster. Soon after that, I was expelled. I was put through readjustment classes, which traumatized me into not using my power. I enlisted here as a cripple to stop myself from using my ability, and you know the rest." I conclude. "If you leave, I won't blame you. We don't have to talk to each other ever again if that's what you want." I say. To my surprise, she simply hugs me. 

"You're not a monster to me." She says.

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