Chapter 72

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Arlo POV

As usual, I was just walking around the halls, not really doing much of anything. How things change. I say to myself, reflecting on all that had happened in recent months - everything from John beating me, to the hierarchy being abandoned, to defeating EMBER. It's….. I trail off, trying to find the right word. Eye-opening. I finally settle on, finishing my thought. 

Just then, I get a text from one of the low-tier members of the council. "Agwin has challenged us to a turf war. Meeting tomorrow after school in room 278." It reads. "I'll be there." I text back.

From EMBER to Agwin. I think to myself, amused. Priorities are such a fickle thing. I conclude with a chuckle, continuing on my way.

Elaine POV

Where is he? I say in my head, continuing my search for Arlo. Finally! I mentally exclaim, finding him walking around outside.

Catching up to him, I pull him to the side of the walkway. "Elaine? What's wrong?" Arlo asks, concerned. "I-i-it's just- uh.." I stutter, the courage I had built up the past few months evaporating in seconds. "Are you okay?" He asks, still worried.

"IthinkIlikeyou." I say quickly. "What?" He asks. "I like you. I think. A lot." I say, taking a calming breath. "No, I heard you, I just couldn't believe it." He says, smiling warmly, hugging me tightly. Low-tiers aren't the only ones who suffered under the hierarchy. I realize, returning the embrace.

Claire POV

"Well, that was eventful." Adrion says as we walk around campus. "Really?" I say sarcastically. "Hey, you can't say I'm wrong." He replies. 

For a while, we walk in silence. Then, we see John and Seraphina walking out of the main building, holding hands. "So, you two are finally together, then?" I ask, rushing up to them. "It would appear so." John replies cheekily. "Hey, you guys want to come to Woaba Boba?" Seraphina asks. "Sure, Seraphina." Adrion and I respond. "You can call me Sera." She says with a kind smile. "Okay, Sera." I say, smiling back as we begin walking to Woaba Boba.

Once we arrive, we all order our drinks, and just chat. Chat about school, chat about relationships, chat about recent events. Basically anything that came to mind. We've finally got our friend back. I say to myself, glancing at Adrion, who was wearing a look that said exactly the same thing.

3rd POV

It was the day of the turf war against Agwin. The council had voted on Seraphina, John and Arlo, since Luke had openly refused to take part, claiming that "One member of our family will be more than enough." 

There were also a number of spectators from Wellston today. Among them were Remi, Luke, Claire, Adrion, Blyke, Isen and Elaine. The teams of Royals charged each other, having decided to do a team battle instead of the standard 1v1 elimination battles.

This place is going to be fun. Was the thought echoing in the minds of every member of the group.

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