Chapter 11

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Luke POV

I can't believe it! I think to myself excitedly. I actually managed to get my friends back! I think with a grin, replaying the memory in my head.


"Hey, Klaus!" I call. Klaus, a red-head a little taller than Remi with pale purple eyes, turns around at my greeting.

"What is it, Luke?" He asks.

"I just wanted to apologize to you and the others for hiding my ability. You deserve a better friend than I was." I say.

"Never heard a God-tier apologize to a low-tier." He responds, flashing a grin. "Wait here, I'll get the others." He says before hurrying off. A few minutes later, he returns with three more people: Helio, a guy who is slightly taller than Klaus with messy green hair and brown eyes, Lany, a girl with long, brushed red hair and blue eyes, around Remi's height, and Kathy, a girl who's almost taller than me with shoulder length blue hair and green eyes. "What did you want to talk about, Luke?" Klaus asks.

"I just wanted to apologize to you all. I shouldn't have hidden my ability. I could have stood up for you all, but I only looked out for myself." I admit. "No big deal." Lany says. "Yeah, it's not like it wouldn't have happened anyways." Helio agrees. "Besides, you've stopped lots of the bullying that's been going on here." Kathy continues. "You guys would accept me back just like that?" I ask incredulously. "Of course! You're the best king this school has had!" They respond. There was nothing to say to that. So nothing is what I did. Before long, we were all chatting, just like we used to.

*End Flashback*

I still can't believe it went that smoothly. I think to myself. Let's see how introducing them to Remi goes. Right as I round the next corner, we practically run into each other. Speak of the devil… I say to myself. "Hello Luke." She greets. "Hey Remi." I respond. "Hey, come with me. There's some people I want you to meet." I say, to which she responds "Sure!" After walking around for a few minutes, I finally spot my friends, hanging out in a corner of the west courtyard. "Hey guys!" I call out, getting their attention.

"Greetings, my liege." Klaus jokes, mock bowing. "To what do we owe the honour of having his majesty greet us?" Kathy joins in on the joking. "I would have thought you'd gotten all the jokes out by now." I quip back. "Anyways, there's someone I want you all to meet." I say, gesturing over to Remi, who was just standing there awkwardly. "Guys, meet Remi. Remi, these are my friends. The jokesters are Klaus and Kathy." I say, printing to them in turn. "And the lovebirds back there are Helio and Lany." I say, gesturing to them in turn. "We are not!" They respond simultaneously with identical blushes. "Seriously, just go out already! I'm almost willing to pay for it at this point!" Klaus responds. "So, Remi, I hear you're the queen now that Seraphina backed down. Why are you associating with us low-tiers?" Helio asks, attempting to get the conversation off of himself and Lany. "First of all, most of the higher tiers are stuck up jerks, and secondly, because I heard from Luke how nice you all are. It certainly can't hurt to have a few more friends!" She responds cheerily. Following that, we all just had a nice chat until lunch ended, and we went our separate ways, except for me and Remi, who have the same class. 

"They're so nice! They don't deserve to be beaten up everyday!" Remi exclaims as we walk to our class. "I know. That's what we need to show the other high tiers. They need to know that having a weaker ability doesn't make you worthless. Even the 'weakest' person can have the best ideas." I respond. "Sounds like something my brother used to say…" Remi mutters under her breath. "Wait, you have a brother?" I ask. "Had." She corrects, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" "It's fine." She interjects. "You two would have definitely gotten along well. He was the same as you, seeing the value in everybody. He was actually the King before Arlo." She states. "Must be quite the legacy to live up to." I respond. "Yeah. He was a great person. He started going out as a superhero even before getting his hands on UnOrdinary." She says. "Wait, what?!" I exclaim. "Looks like you're going to have to wait until after school to get more information!" She says as we reach our classroom.

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