Chapter 53

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Claire POV

The room was brightly lit, but no light bulbs could be seen anywhere. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the room was flooded in darkness. "How about that?" A voice says, sending Remi flying into the wall. "Remi!" Luke yells, running to her. While he was on his way, he is struck in the side by a large object, throwing him into the wall right next to Remi, both of them unconscious. "Now, leave." A familiar voice says, ushering the prisoner out of the cell before turning back. Stalking over to the two to make sure they're unconscious, the figure crouches down. After a moment, John reaches his hand towards Remi's neck.

I jolt upright in my bed, my eyes dimming back down to their original colour. Stop showing me that! It hurts more than it helps! I scream in my head, erupting into tears. I'd rather not have an ability at all than have one that hurts me this much. I say to myself, sobbing silently.

Darren POV

I was in the infirmary, as per usual, tending to an injured student's wounds, before sending him off and sitting down in my chair. Mere moments later, the door opens again.

"What happened now?" I grumble to myself, looking up from my desk to see Leilah, accompanied by Keene, entering the infirmary.

"Hello, Darren." She says with a smile. "Hey, Leilah." I respond. "I'll take my leave, now." Keene says awkwardly, backing out of the room. "So, Darren, where is your anomaly currently?" She asks, putting her bag down. "Hold on, let me just call her down." I say, walking over to the intercom. "Could Seraphina please come down to the infirmary?" I say into the microphone. Turning around, I see Leilah's eyes wide with surprise.

"What is it?" I ask, concerned. "Is her name Seraphina?" She asks. "Yes, why? What's wrong?" I ask her, even more concerned now. "That's my sister's name. I haven't seen her in years." She responds, looking at the floor. "Hey, it's okay. She's been doing fine, aside from the whole ability thing. You'll see." I assure, hugging her.

A few minutes later, Seraphina opens the door to the infirmary, taking a few steps before she sees Leilah, and stops dead in her tracks. "Leilah...?" She says, shocked.

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