Chapter 55

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Seraphina POV

"What have you been up to these past few years?" I ask. "Well, for a while I had no trajectory, no idea where I was going to end up. Eventually, I got a job, put myself through school, and worked my way up the ranks of ZetaSci, a company that looks into the roots of abilities." She summarizes.

"I'm sorry. I should have tried harder to convince mom to let you stay." I say, looking down at the floor. "Don't be. If I had never gotten kicked out, I never would have been able to find out what I really wanted to do. I don't want to run some fancy company like mom, I just want to do my research, and help people." She says, causing a lull in the conversation.

"If you can refine your tonics and combine it with the serum, then it just might work." I hear Luke say from the other room. "Wait, you can get my ability back!?" I say, creeping over to the door. "We don't know, but it might be worth a shot." Luke says hesitantly, turning to me. "What do I need to do?" I ask, hopeful.

Luke POV

Crap. I didn't want her to hear that. I don't want to get her hopes up without some evidence that it could actually work. I say to myself, cursing my overeagerness. 

"First of all, we're going to need more samples, then we're going to need to refine Doc's tonics. That's where things can get a little… unpleasant for you." I say. "Why would that be?" She asks. "Because in order for Doc to perfect it, you'll need to be injured fairly often." I say. "Oh.. well, I have convinced John to teach me some hand to hand combat, so maybe it won't be as difficult as you think." She says, looking at the floor.

"You don't need to be majorly injured, just a few cuts, scrapes or bruises." I say quickly. "Then I'll stop by the infirmary after we train. That okay with you, Doc?" She says, looking at Doc. "I guess so. It'll take a while for us to figure out how they made this drug, so I'll be working late pretty often, I'd imagine." He says. "Okay, then. Now that that's settled, let's get to work, shall we?" A new voice says, appearing in the same doorway.

My confusion must have shown itself, since Doc introduces us to each other. "Luke, this is Leilah, my girlfriend and Seraphina's sister. Leilah, this is Luke, a student here at Wellston." "Pleasure to meet you, Luke." Leilah says, sticking her hand out with a warm smile. "Same to you." I say, shaking her hand, returning the smile.

"Alright, let's get down to business. Luke, don't you have a class to get to?" Doc says, ushering me out of the room. "Okay, then." I say as the door closes behind me, walking towards my next class.

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