Chapter 30

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Keene POV

As requested, I had organised a meeting between all staff members at Wellston, to discuss the new governing body the Royals had thought up.

"Now that everyone is here, let's begin." Vaughn says. "The reason I had Keene organise this meeting is that the Royals have introduced to me a brand new way for the students to govern themselves." He continues. "And what is this new system?" Mr. Ranc, the geography teacher asks. "The new system functions as a council: two members of each tier are elected by the members of said tier to represent them. These elected leaders then meet regularly to sort out issues and debates among their peers." The Headmaster responds. "The way I see it, this could potentially cause an influx of injuries. One that I don't look forward to dealing with." Darren says, irritable as always. "As with all change, that is a potential outcome. However, I believe that in this case, the reward outweighs the risk." Vaughn counters. "Could you elaborate on that, Headmaster?" Mrs. Tryce asks. "We should not limit ourselves to this school. Remember, our goal is to change the system of the entire world. If this system can find a way to work in a school with as concentrated a population of high-tiers as Wellston, there is a good chance that it can work on a much grander scale." Vaughn replies. "Very well then. Have we reached a point where we can decide if we allow this new system to be introduced?" I ask. "I believe we have." Say multiple voices from around the table. "Then cast your votes." I say. After a handful of minutes, every staff member had written down their vote, and passed it onto me. After spending a short time scanning them all, I stand up to speak. "The decision was unanimous. We shall allow the introduction of this new system." I announce to the staff.

Next Day

Luke POV

"Remi, Blyke, John, Seraphina, Isen and Luke please report to the Headmaster's office." A voice says through the intercom. A few minutes later has us all standing inside Vaughn's office, tensed up from the anticipation. Please say they'll allow it. I say to myself.

"I'm sure you all know the reason you were called here today, correct?" Vaughn begins. "It's about the idea we brought to you earlier this week, right?" Remi asks. "That is correct, Remi." Vaughn responds. "So what did the staff decide?" Isen questions. "We have decided to allow you six to introduce your new system." He says, to which we all cheer. "However, I must warn you that not everyone will readily agree with this change. There will be some who see fit to challenge you. Arlo and Cecile come to mind." He cautions. "Arlo won't do anything to impede us." John says with absolute certainty. "And how do you know this?" I ask him. "We had a little chat after I dethroned him, during which I opened his eyes to the flaws in the hierarchy, and he agreed to stay out of our way." He responds. "Interesting. Back to the topic at hand, I will make an announcement later today, calling an assembly, during which you will explain your new system in detail." Vaughn continues. "Very well. We'd best be on our way then." I say before Vaughn dismisses us from his office.

"So we're really doing this, huh?" Remi says. "We said we would." Isen responds. "And I intend to make good on that promise. So let's do everything we can to make this change work, understood?" I say. "Yes." They all respond. "Alright. Let's start preparing." I say, kicking off the production of an explanation of our new council system.

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