Chapter 44

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Remi POV

"Well, to begin, we had easily found and incapacitated the target." I begin. "Then, a man with an ability that let him create an exact copy of himself appeared, and charged at us. While he was running at us, Luke broke off." John continues. "I had sensed an aura that I never wanted to find again, but one that I could not turn a blind eye to. I had sensed the aura of Rei's killer." Luke explains, his voice shaking with anger. "So Luke and I went to chase after him, and we ultimately ended up winning the fight." I summarize. 

"Good. Now, what happened with the other group?" Vaughn asks. "Well, Isen tried attacking the guy head-on, and was swiftly knocked out." Blyke says. "Then, another person, one with a limited teleportation ability, appeared, putting us off balance. There was no way we could win with both of them coming at us. So John came up with a plan to take the teleporting guy out." Arlo says, entering the conversation. "I managed to take him out, but in the onslaught the other guy put me through right after, I was going to lose. Sera blocked a syringe that he was trying to inject into me, and fell unconscious shortly after." John continues. "Then, we finally managed to knock out the other guy. That was when we came back here." Blyke finishes. Wow. Their fight must have been difficult. I say to myself. 

"And where is Seraphina now?" Vaughn asks. "She's in her dormitory. The syringe is in the infirmary." John responds. "Good. I'll have Darren do what he can tomorrow. For now, all of you need to get some rest. Thank you for apprehending these three for me. It was a great help." Vaughn thanks. "One more thing." Luke says. "Yes, Luke?" Vaughn prompts. "Make sure that guy's room is brightly lit. His ability revolves around shadows." He explains. "Thank you." Vaughn says, ushering us out of his office. "Well, let's go get some sleep." I suggest, heading toward my dormitory.

Vaughn POV

More members of EMBER? Just how extensive is their list of operatives, and just how powerful are they? Even having this amount of people on their side is bad enough, but they clearly must have more than these five on their side. I worry, calling Keene. 

"What is it, boss?" Keene says from the other side. "I have more EMBER operatives that I need you to arrange care for." I say into the phone. "On my way." Keene responds, hanging up. Just what are you up to, EMBER? I wonder.

Hello! This chapter is to celebrate getting to 300 votes! I honestly never thought that I'd get this many! A huge thanks to every single one of you reading!

Also, this episode is only to celebrate making it to 300 votes. It doesn't count towards the 6 bonus chapters for the days I'll be missing in August.

Hope to see you guys in the future chapters!

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