Chapter 1

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"Baby, Just this once, please choose me." Lisa begged Jennie. She had her luggage and ready to leave their shared apartment.

Jennie was so sick and tired of their relationship to the point it's really toxic and both of them weren't growing. She gave Lisa too many chances to change herself but clearly Lisa didn't want to have a future with her. A better future that both of them could be proud of.

Lisa knelt down and hugged Jennie's torso. "Please stay, Babe. I will fix myself. I will look for a better job. We will have our own place soon."

"Let me go, Lis." Jennie said coldly.

"Is there someone else? Why are you leaving?" Lisa's voice was trembling and not prepared to hear her girlfriend's answer. She would die if there's a third party.

"There's no one. But probably soon enough I can find someone better. Someone who has a plan that includes me." She said with a full of vile. She wanted her words to hurt her.

"I have plans for us, Babe. I swear I have."

"You are barely living, Lis. You don't have plans at all. You are not even trying harder. How can you expect me to believe your words? I don't need your empty promises, Lis. This relationship is taking us both nowhere."

"What do you want me to do for you to stay? I will do it, Babe. Anything."

"No, we're done and please don't call me Babe or Baby anymore."

"Don't you love me anymore?" Lisa was trying to hold her uncontrollable tears. She could not think of any better way to convince Jennie.

"I love you still. You know that but I love myself too and I am not getting what I deserve, Lis."

"If you leave me now, then you should know that I will never accept you back. I will hate you forever, Babe." Lisa tried for the last time to convince Jennie that she would only regret if she pushed through with her plan.

"So be it. Goodbye Lis." She said firmly and not bothered by Lisa's threat.

"Babe! Babe, please don't do this. Please, take pity on me. I can't lose you. Please." Lisa knew Jennie's so serious and it was not the same as one of those love quarrels they had before. They fought a lot of times but they kiss and make up afterward. Jennie won't stand getting mad for too long. Lisa could easily swoon her too. But this time is real and no turning back.

Jennie didn't say a word and continued to pull her luggage outside their apartment. She put it in her car compartment and started the engine. Lisa tapped the window and asked her to step outside the car so they could talk.

"Jen, babe, please. Please, step out of your car. Let's talk things out. You know I can't live without you." She begged but Jennie ignored her like she didn't matter to her a bit.

Their relationship was almost perfect at first but Lisa without a permanent job and always being the happy-go-lucky she is, Jennie soon realized that it must be corrected but Lisa refused to change.

She didn't want to think of Lisa anymore. Because if she would think of her then her whole plan would be ruined. She should not care anymore whatever Lisa decided to do with her life moving forward. She should have listened to her family and friends that Lisa was no good for her. But she chose love over anything else and fight for her. She hates to accept she made a bad decision and one great mistake is falling in love with Lisa, head over heels that she lost herself too. She forgot about her own dreams because of her. She was so goal-oriented and full of dreams before she met Lisa.

Yes, Lisa was her first love and she thought she could be the last. She could not go on because fairytales don't exist in the real world. She's done and wanted to be selfish. She needed to go away and take the opportunity or else she'll miss this out once again. Lisa always stops her from taking the promotional offers in her work since she knew Jennie would travel more and that meant less time for her. She tried to understand her but Lisa was clearly being selfish. As a girlfriend, she should support her career because whatever Jennie does is for their future too.

Jennie unknowingly shed tears. She loves her still and there's no other person she could love the way she has for Lisa. But this is the sad truth. They can't live and survive just by being in love. They need to work their asses out and earn enough. To plan and have a family of their own. She could not just rely on her family. She's sick whenever her Mom scolds her about her toxic relationship with Lisa. She's tired of defending herself from her family because all along they are just concerned and they're damn right. So right that it hurts to admit it.

She remembered how she met Lisa at a photo shoot. She had the most radiant smile at the studio. She didn't know that she would end up being whipped for her. Lisa changed her in 360 degrees.

"Jen, this is Lisa Manoban, she's my apprentice." Seulgi introduced.

"Hi, yeah, that's my name. Let me take care of you." Lisa said cockily which made Jennie raise her brow. She could not believe Seulgi introduced her to someone who was too full of herself. She has worked with Seulgi for years and she's one of the trusted contractors of their company. Seulgi's known as one of the best service providers in terms of ads. So whatever she said, Jennie knew they were true.

"Seul, you know I am not comfortable working with non-professionals, right?" She could hide how skeptical she was about the idea. She could not trust an amateur to handle her talents.

"No, Jen. Lisa is really good at this. But since she does not have any work experience she needed to do part-time. We never know in the future, Lisa might be one of the big names in the industry." She said in full of hope.

"Fine, because I trust you. But anyways I am not the model. It's them." Jennie pointed to the ladies who were busy checking the wardrobes. She felt that Lisa thought of her as a model.

"Ow, I thought, you were one of the models." Lisa scratched her head. "I mean your body proportion is perfect. You're perfect." Lisa blurted out.

"Dumb-ass don't talk to her informally. She's one of the executives in the agency. Call her Ms. Kim." Seulgi corrected Lisa.

Jennie stared at the two women. "Did you say something, Seul?"

"Nothing, we just discussed our food for lunch." Seulgi made an excuse.

"Lisa, Lisa right?" Jennie confirmed.

"Yes, uhm, Miss Kim." She nodded like a puppy.

"I will just give you one shot at this because of Seulgi. But bear in mind that I hate people who are slacking with their job. Your only job is to work perfectly. I won't accept any failure. Let me remind you this project is big. Very crucial for my career, so I am expecting you to do well. Arraseo?"

Lisa smiled widely if she were someone else probably she got terrified or intimidated by Kim Jennie but she's Lisa and she kinda liked Jennie the way she was. 'rough and sassy'.
She knew for a fact it won't be their first encounter. For once she considers keeping her job and doing full-time. She was still full of uncertainties. She normally quits after a month but her buddy, Seulgi offered this job for her. She was grateful her friend trusted her so much and she would do anything not to mess it up.

Then their love story began unexpectedly.

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