Ginny Weasley's An Apprentice

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Fanfiction Inspired by J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.


"Go, Ed, go, go!" Aunt whispered, pushing me upstairs into the spare room and then into the cupboard in the corner.

"What's happening? Is it the Death Eaters? Are they here again?" I fought, I couldn't lose her like I did mum and dad.

"No, it's burglars. you have to stay hidden because a bullet wound... well, magic won't work on that."


"Stay. I'll be done soon." She ran out and I shut the cupboard. For a bit, I just sat in the corner of the cupboard, just waiting to hear a shot and being the next victim. An image of a dead Aunt came to mind and I couldn't hold it. The rage burst through and I pushed open the cupboard doors. Just as I did, I found myself facing a hooded man, standing with a gun pointed at me. I couldn't see his face. Just a still figure. His gun was glistening under the moonlight but I couldn't see much of it for more than a second because my eyes were trained on the large figure walking closer to me. I was frozen on the spot. Unaware of what to do.

Finally when I hit the cupboard behind me, a silver blast occurred and the man flew over the bed and to the floor. He grunted and then fainted. Aunt pointed her wand at him and whispered, "Obliviate." Then, she levitated him and took him out of the room. I followed out and saw her tying them up with a rope by the main door. I stayed hidden on the top step as the police came soon and after murmurs with them, my aunt managed to get them to take the groggily awake burglars away. When I released a breath and stood, my heart dropped, for I saw another dark figure behind and...

I gasped awake. I was sweating and shivering. A student in the four post beside me shuffled and I felt guilt for almost waking him up. I ran a hand on my face and dried my wet hand on the blanket on me. Sliding out, I chose to go to the bathroom. Being done, I came out and studied my messy bed for a second. I thought it'd be nice if I went out and sat in the common room with the spells book. The light of the fireplace felt like a good idea. First class was tomorrow but having known a few could be fun. I pulled out the book from my stack beside my bed on the bedside table and headed out. Merline was walking ahead of me and as I came down the steps, I realized the fireplace wasn't lit for no reason, someone sat on the floor by it, reciting something.

"Eddie?" Ginny noticed me, having heard my steps.

"Er, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Oh, you didn't. Come on, you look like you're in for a bit of reading." She grinned. I came around and sat on the bottom of a chair while she did by the couch. She looked at me with that same look again, as if already knowing that reading wasn't the sole reason I was out of bed.

"So, what're you reading?" She asked.

"Standard Book of Spells."

"Oh, fun. That's not in the curriculum this year, is it?" Ginny spoke.

"Well, aunt said it was."

"With Umbridge, it won't be." She sighed flipping through the thick leather book.

"How would you know that?" I squinted eyes at her.

"Don't be clever with me." She chuckled.

"That Umbridge." I started and she looked from her book to me, "She's here to keep an eye on Harry Potter, isn't she?" Her brows furrowed and then a grin formed on her lips.

"Whatever gives you that idea, Eddie?"

"Ed's fine." I spoke. She nodded, "The Ministry doesn't believe him. They call him out with stupid names like, Boy who Lies or Plotter. They don't like that Dumbledore is taking his side either. So, it is clear that Umbridge is here to make sure that Professor Dumbledore and Harry Potter never get anywhere with making anyone believe that Voldemort's back."

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