Romance Enlightened

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Fanfiction Inspired by J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.


"Erm, so, today, we're going to be practicing in pairs and I would give you only three spells that you can use to do so. Sound good?" I looked around. They all nodded.

"Great. Your choices are, Expelliarmus, Protego and Stupefy. Clear?"

Everyone seemed excited for this as they spread out. Macy paired with Nancy so that left Nigel to me.

"Stupefy!" Nigel yelled and I hadn't even realized what happened when I flew back and landed on my bottom. Nigel laughed joyously.

I stood up and disarmed him. Then a stun which he blocked and then one from him that I blocked. This continuous battle kept going until I finally got to stun him away. When we were done, we realized that Nancy and Macy were staring at us, utterly taken by the event.

The duels went on for about half hour, until I stopped everyone and made them practice levitation spells on each other.

"The spell that you will try first is the common levitation spell. Encantation: Wingardium Leviosa." I spoke. They murmured to each other, nodded and spread out.

"Alright, levitate me." I asked Nigel and he did so but dropped me abruptly. I groaned, pulling myself back up. He was looking at Nancy, who was flying up with Macy's wand. She giggled and when I looked at Macy with pride, her eyes sparkling at her work and brilliant smile on her lips... she looked at me suddenly, Nancy dropped to the floor. Nigel laughed.

"Are you alright?" He chuckled, giving a hand out to her.

"Why'd you drop me?" Nancy muttered furiously.

"I-I dont-"

"Concentration." I crossed my arms and stared right at her. Her flushed face told me that I was finally intimidating her, "You lost focus, therefore, Nancy and I fell." I looked at Nigel as well.

"Either way, that bloody brilliant. Watching you two fall like that." Nigel chuckled. Nancy pouted and I leaned over.

"Levicorpus." I muttered and she twirled her wand in her fingers before whispering the incantation and then Nigel was hanging in air by his foot, completely baffled and scared. I crossed my arms and grinned cheekily.

"Oh, God. Put me down!" He yelled.

"Say sorry." Nancy demanded.


"Say you're sorry." She shrugged and I looked over at Macy.

"Dont you dare." She raised her wand and I laughed, opting not to levitate.

"Ed, back off." She started taking steps back.

"Well, you did laugh at me."

"You keep laughing at me!" She took more steps back.

"Levicorpus!" She yelled with shut eyes and then Nancy was in the air and Nigel fell with a thump. I pushed to keep my laugh dead as Macy stared in horror.

"Put her down, Macy." I snickered.

"How?" She yelled. I walked over and held her wand hand, slowly lowering her hand, I laid Nancy to the floor and Nigel laughed, helping her up. Macy released a loud breath staring in horror.

"Its Harry Potter." We heard a murmur and turned our heads to find Harry smirking by the closed door. I let Macy go and looked around.

"Alright. We'll, erm, continue Friday!" I called out. Everyone groaned and started filing out. They all greeted Harry and I watched a red Macy walk away to her bag.

Gideon-Macy (With HINNY) Through The YearsWhere stories live. Discover now