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Fanfiction Inspired by J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.


"Did you hear?" I heard a few students sitting behind me in Potions, "He almost killed him."

I was reading through the book and Louis straightened.

"Who killed who?" He asked the kids.

"Harry Potter." My ears perked up, "Almost killed Malfoy."

Bloody hell. What did Malfoy do now?

"Well, that's one burden off the earth." Louis snickered and they laughed with him before turning back around.

"What do you reckon Malfoy did to piss Harry Potter off?"

"Its Malfoy. What do you expect?" I muttered, though still thinking about what could Malfoy possibly do to push Harry as far as nearly killing him.

"What happened to him?" I turned to the guys behind us. I didnt know them much but they always sat behind Louis.

"Someone yelled murder from the boys main lavotry and Professor Snape found him all covered in blood."

"Merlin. Did he stab him?" Louis asked.

"No one knows. Professor Snape dismissed everyone."

The class progressed but all I could think about was the fact that Harry badly wounded Malfoy this time.


After a late afternoon library session, alone, on a Defense Against the Dark's paper, I was headed for the common room when I saw Ginny in a corridor walking away. I thought I could catch her and we could head out to dinner but to my surprise, she was heading for the forest with her bag clung to her side.

First, I was confused. I worried for Ginny. I bumped into Harry about four times today and all he mentioned one question.

Have you seen Ginny?

My confusion started sinking when she walked down the hill and the sunset was reaching its end. She ran into the forest and watching the full moon dance out of clouds, I followed in. Very quietly, this time I followed her. This time, I kept up to her and knew that if I wanted to stay and help...

She came to a clearing and paused. I hid behind a tree and watched. My cheeks burned up she started dropping her cloak and sweater. Looking away, I shut my eyes, scared that something uncomfortable would happen. Only, I was far from right. I heard grunting and a howl and only when I turned back did my heart drop.

Ginny was... changing. Her body was ripping into a new one. Extending in height and length of limps. Mouth growing a dog face along with a sharp jaw. When she huffed, dropping her head, fully transformed into a werewolf.

So Nancy had been right. Her little hunch was right. Bloody hell.

I didnt realize where I was standing until Ginny looked and I knew she was staring at me. I was dead meat. She was going to eat me up but instead I could read fear in that fearful face. She dropped and and jogged away. I stood speechless and slack jawed for a bit.

She was a werewolf. Bloody hell. I looked back at the castle and thought of heading back in but the forest kept me grounded. I wanted to have a chat with her once she was done but I knew it wouldn't be until that she would be back to her original form.

Sighing in defeat, i sat by a tree and thought for a bit.

How long had she been that? Did she get attacked while being one last Christmas? I bey Harry knew. He had been with her the whole time after her attack. He wouldn't even let her cook or have her own meal. He probably knew that she was wounded more so than anybody knew. When my watch brightened under the moonlight, I figured the time to be nine already. Getting up, I decided to head back and chat with her the next day. As I chose to move, I heard leaves crunching and automatically my wand was in my fingers. Looking around, I waited for a movement when suddenly, I felt a blast to my back and the tree in front of me, hit me right in the chest. Breathless, I gasped for air, writhing on the ground. My vision was blurring when I saw a familiar blonde head and dark body standing over me.

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