Diagon Alley

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Fanfiction Inspired by J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.


Summer passed in a blink. Daily I would read the Prophet and daily I would read of disappearances. Aunt had gotten a flat now. She chose to lease her house but the flat was our own property. Said it was best if we kept things to ourself for now. My address was going to change so I told Nancy and Nigel that I would write them my address in the letters. It was basically just to know what address I would want their owls landing.

I was reading the daily Prophet about Death Eaters Terror Continues.

"They destroyed the London Bridge. What do they have against the muggle world, honestly?" I sighed, reading and shaking my head.

"Setting a statement, kid." Aunt sighed, pouring herself a cup and me a glass of juice, "Why don't you drink milk?" She asked putting the glass in front of me.

"Because its disgusting." I answered still reading the newspaper, "They are risking our world. Isn't it against the law to expose magic?"

"Since when do they care about the law?" She shook her head, "I say go ahead. A bullet would be faster than a spell."

"Point." I nodded and sipped at my juice. Just then, a small owl tapped outside at the window of our lounge window. I smirked happily and jumped, running around. I pulled up the window and the letter from the beak of the very little owl. He was Ron's or Ginny's. I wasn't sure. Pidwigeon.

"Its a letter from Ginny." I grinned, walking back around to the table.

"Whats she say?"

I pulled the letter open.


Hope you're doing well. Things are steady for now. About the bridge, you were right. It was an attack. Of course, Muggles who saw the death eaters were obliviated but the situation still seems a bit unsteady.

You've been asking a lot about Pettigrew and I figured i owe you a bit of explanation. Pettigrew's been out of sight for a while, though I'm thinking I might catch a whiff soon and will try to update you on whatever I can. I hope you understand.

As for Harry, he's here at the Burrow. Just arrived about yesterday.

Next year's upon us. Really looking forward to seeing you soon.

Stay well,

"Nothing much. Just that Harry's at the Burrow now. And asking about my well being."

"Uh huh." She read right through me but didn't inquire.

"Your letter's here, by the way. We need to go shopping for your year soon."

I nodded. I was lost thinking about what she'd said about Pettigrew. That man was quite inconspicuous. Didn't seem to be really.

"Whats on your mind?" Aunt asked, sipping at her coffee.

"Er, nothing. Just about the next year. Last was... well interesting. Let's see where we get with this one."

"Well, last time you didn't have anyone, this time you have friends all the way up to the sixth year."

I chuckled lowly.


"Hmm." I folded the paper.

"Dont go chasing ghosts that don't need your looking."

I blinked away.


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