Back On The Hogwarts Express

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Fanfiction Inspired by J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.


It'd been three months and the new year was right above us. The train ride was the next day and I staring at the image of my room. It felt like any day now, I won't be able to recognize it for the way it was. That I won't be able to see it again. We were well aware that things would change. Ever since Dumbledore passed, we were sure that the downfall would begin. We just didn't know that it'd be so fast.

People were going missing every other day. I was holding onto my aunt tighter than anything. Last time, without even the mass break, she was taken. Merlin forbid they'd target her again. I hadn't heard from anyone. Not a soul. Not Nigel, Nancy, Louis, Casey even.

Harry, of course, never wrote and I didn't write to him either. I didn't know whether it was safe to reach out to him or the order or even the Burrow. I was left alone. Or at least... that's how I'd been feeling.

I'd recently read on the paper how the Minister for Magic was dead. He died at the beginning of the month and the new Minister was Pius Thicknesse. A no good man. According to Aunt he was a death eater. That was when I had it confirmed that Voldemort had taken over.

I was packing up a few memories in my bag when a stack of photographs came to hand. One was of me and aunt. The other of Mum, dad and I when I was about five. I smiled at it. Next was of Nigel, Nancy and I. The next of the entire small D.A. I practised with last year. And the last one burned my eyes and nose. It was of Ginny and I. Just the two of us. It was after the ball in my first year. She'd come back late from it and Collin was still taking pictures around. She asked him to take one of her and me instead of Harry whom Collin had asked for. It was a teasing joke of changing dates but the picture was quite sweet and I'd taken it from Collin.

"Eddie?" My aunt's face showed in the room from the split between the door and its frame.

"Hey." I tucked the photos in my bag's inside pocket and cleared my throat.

"All packed?" She asked.

"Yeah." I fixed my shirt.

"You shouldn't go, Ed. I'm saying this again."

"I know. But I have to and I want to. I've got friends there. People I care for."

"And what about me?"

"You are my home, Aunt but I have to fight for the one that's my friends' as well. Otherwise whats the point of me?"

"To be my family." She spoke, stung. I walked to her and gave a small hug.

"We're both fighting for a world where we can be a family without worrying that suddenly, one of us won't make it."

"I know." She sniffed, "Go to sleep. We leave early tomorrow."

I nodded and she left. I put all the important things I needed with me this year. Including that beautiful scarf my mum gave me.


As I boarded the train, I searched the compartments. When it was already moving, in a distance I saw a familiar figure walking my way but she paused a bit away. She'd grown. Slightly taller, longer hair, which were darker than last time for some reason, and her face solemn. She was wearing jeans and a red top that I noticed as I reached her.

"Hi." I spoke.

"Hello." Macy spoke softly.

"How are you?" I kept myself for searching her person for more changes.

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