~Preceding Note~

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Side note: Keishin Ukai, our uncle, coaches at Shiratorizawa in this story. Everything else is the same.

Creative Direction~

This story entails the slow burning love of a female y/n and Ushijima through a realistic yet comforting plot of intimacy and growth. While there are hindrances as in any journey, this is meant to be a heartwarming tale not one of pain or tribulation. One can read without worry.

*Includes a range of fluff to lemons and language*

Y/n's Personality Outline~

Meyer's Briggs type- ISTJ

.Assertive and confident in herself, a leader
.Sociable and likable though introverted
.High emotional intelligence
.Honest with herself and others, open
.Playful but serious when need be

Ushijima's Cast~

While the anime conveys him to be stoic and cold, this story delves into the man off the court. His game-face doesn't portray his true self. In actuality, he is friendly and agreeable. What appears to be a stone is truly someone waiting to be explored.

Don't be a ghost reader. Please, support this story!


I read every single notification, and they each encourage me to continue this series. I respond very frequently to comments as well. Feel free to spam!

Thank you<3

A Few Outstanding Reviews From Last Chapter Comments~

"I really don't do this type of stuff often but oh my god, this is probably the best fanfic I've ever read. The way everything is perfectly balanced, the way your write beautifully, it's all just so perfect"

"My favorite story of all time... I felt so many emotions all at once throughout the journey. I connected with the characters and bonded with people in the comments more than I ever have. You brought me incomparable joy that I'll always cherish. I swear by this book. It is perfect, and I'm forever grateful to have been able to experience it"

"You've created something so beautiful that I'll surely read again for my own enjoyment... unbelievably heartwarming. I laughed, cried, yelled, swooned, everything."

"one of the best fanfics i've ever read. it was so heartwarming and their relationship was just so healthy and sweet.. amazing at how perfectly you captured him... how great the mc was. she was patient, never frustrated me, and was just the perfect mc overall."

"I have never sat and read a fanfic for this long in one sitting before in my entire life."

"only fanfic i've ever read that's actually managed to make me cry"

"the most non toxic relationship"

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