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Y/N clicked open Instagram noticing she had yet another DM request. Ugh, I swear if it's another one of those perverts wanting to chat.. I'mma say some real bad shit.

These past days she had had quite a few random perverts reaching out to her Instagram page wanting to be friends, or so to say, trying to flirt.

If it was a decent guy who had genuinely wanted to talk, Y/N would've not had a problem, she already used to talk quite a bit with fellow writers and readers, but pervs popping up in the DMs and getting pissed by the rejection was now starting to irritate her.

Nonetheless, she opened the dm and well...this person seemed genuine. Whoever it was had some weird ass username but the follower to following ratio, bio and pfp were decent enough. Didn't seem like some weirdo who intended to make her uncomfortable. This person went by the name...Kay. As in okay? Or k? Or.. whatever.

Kay: Hey person! I had wanted to know how did ya expand your page. I see you got quite some following and reach eh?

Y/N: Yo! And hold up..you talking about my page?! Don't mock me...it hardly has a few hundred followers.

Kay: yeah, but the engagement per post...your readers seem quite loyal. I've a feeling your page is gonna blow up big, the content is really cool.

Y/N: Oh I just saw you liked all of my posts and took the time to read it, appreciate it bud. And about the page expansion, the typical strategy of support groups, interacting with people, maintaining a good feed and stuff. Nothing new.

Kay: I see. You got a boyfriend or sumn?

Y/N: huh? all of a sudden?

Kay: you overthinker of a writer. it just occurred to me bc your writing is so heavily based around soft emotions.

Y/N: credits to my imagination lol. I've never found a guy i could appreciate even for the bare minimum

Kay: I've been told that I'm decent enough ( ˘ ³˘)

Y/N: Bruh, that was such a bad  attempt at flirting lmao.
Anyways, get back to you later. Gtg :)

Kay: Sure. And ma'am, for all my decency, I'd rather flirt with you in person, not much of an online guy tbh  :/

Y/N logged out of Instagram and put her phone down on her desk and started doing the usual prep for playing badminton. Changing into loose clothes, tying up a ponytail and the usual shit.

A few minutes later, she checked herself in the mirror for the last time, grabbed her water bottle and badminton racquet, and went off to play with her friends at the nearby badminton court.

A few minutes later, she checked herself in the mirror for the last time, grabbed her water bottle and badminton racquet, and went off to play with her friends at the nearby badminton court

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Author's note : heyyyy y'all! This is my first book and it's an original, hope you kinda like it this far. It'll take a few chapters to build up the story so let's be patient (?)
I'll try updating on Wednesdays and Sundays and just hope I could stick to writing the whole book cuz I'm a little too ✨ impatient and impulsive✨ at times.
Lemme know your reviews here, comment all ya want cuz this fandom is crazy af and I'm all down for the most random comments and if ya like it, vote pwease 😗

Editing me: besties if you stuck around to the unedited version of this book, I need to appreciate your patience. I am cringing while editing this, can't imagine what horrors y'all had to go through :')

If you enjoyed reading and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/frusfairylight ^_^

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