[ MOHON MAAF🙏. CERITA INI TIDAK DI LANJUT!! ] mengalami Transmigrasi secara sadar!? bagaimana bisa?? Hanya karna memasuki kamar sendiri ia malah nyasar ke dunia lain, parahnya lagi ia malah berada di novel terakhir kali ia baca... Dan Novel Itu adalah novel BxB. Damn! malah isinya cowok gila semua lagi... ________________ "Anj! Siαlαn! begitubanyaknya novel yang gue baca, kenapa harus masuk ke novel BL, anjing. Aaarkhh!!" - Z _________________ "No matter what you do, you will always be mine" - J "I want to take you to an uninhabited place so that it's just the two of us there" - M "If in good ways I can't get you then I will use evil ways to make you mine" - V "What's mine is mine can never be anyone else's" - P "Please tell me, how to get info your heart" - S "I hate this blood relationship, because of this we can't be together" - B "I have to lock you up, baby. so they don't want mine" - A "I will kill any man who dares to approach you, then you will only be mine" - M "From today your lips are my opium" - All "YOU ALL ARE NOT NORMAL, HOW CAN I LOVE BETWEEN YOU..!!" - C