I'm all about you (requested)

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The sound of Rosie's ringtone coming from your phone on the cushion beside you made your attention shift from the boring film to your phone. As soon as you answered the call and pressed your phone against your ear, you were greeted with the sweetest voice coming from your best friend.

"Y/n! What are you doing right now?"


"Good. Because I just got out of the studio and I have something to share with you. I'm right outside. Let me in."

Excited, you dropped your phone back onto the sofa and ran to the front door. You saw Rosie standing there. She looked beautiful. Dressed in some sweats and a cute fuzzy sweater with her long hair pulled back, she looked so beautiful.

She moved to give you a hug and you didn't miss the way she lingered in your arms. You didn't mind. Your feelings for her only seem to grow stronger every time you see her. You'd spend forever in these moments with her if you ever got the chance.

"Can I come in? I have something... special."

"Of course," you smiled and stepped aside for her to come in. You closed the door behind her and then sat on the couch. She took a seat beside you and pulled out her phone.

"What is it?"

"Well," she started to say, wearing that beautiful smile on her face that you love so much. "I've been recording some music of my own lately and I wrote something the other night. I finished it today and it's all recorded. I wanted your opinion on it."

She didn't give you a chance to protest - not that you would, anyway. Because as soon as the words fell from her lips, she started to play the song and you were immediately mesmerized when you heard her beautiful voice.

It was truly beautiful. You weren't surprised at all; considering she always has a way with words and you're in love with her voice... along with everything else about her.

But there was something... saddening to you. The lyrics were stunning. Ones of... love. She was singing about some girl close to her. Some girl she adored. You felt envious. You wanted more than anything to be that girl.

Lost in your thoughts and with a sinking feeling in your chest, you zoned out for the last thirty seconds or so. It was only when Rosé put her hand on yours that you snapped out of it.

"So? What'd you think?"

You couldn't tell her how you really felt. You were too afraid of ruining things between the two of you. So you just smiled and told her that it was incredible.

"You did good, Rosé." You smiled, then sank your teeth into your lip. "That girl you're singing about seems great. She's lucky..."

"Oh yeah?" She giggled and scooted closer to you. "She is really amazing. She's been my friend for so long but I've always thought of her as more. I've only ever told the girls, too afraid to tell her because I don't want to lose her. But she's so beautiful I can't stand the thought of keeping it to myself anymore and losing her."

You swallowed thickly. That sure did sting.

"Oh... good for her."

She started to laugh and you stared at her in confusion.


"Y/n..." she took your hand and gave it a squeeze. "It's you! It's you I'm talking about. It's you I'm singing about. It's you that I wrote about. It's you. It's always been you!"

Your breath hitched and you stared down at your fingers as she intertwined them with hers. You looked up at her and felt your heart begin to pound in your chest when she used her other hand to brush a lock of hair behind your ear.


"Really." She confirmed and gazed into your eyes. "You've always been my muse. I've always wanted to write and sing about you but I never got the chance until now. And now that I can, it's like I can't stop. You're so amazing,

"I feel the same way about you, Rosie."

You could see the stars in her eyes before she leaned in to give you a kiss. The first one you've ever shared... the first of many.

Her lips moved softly against your own. It didn't last long but you cherished every second of it.

"I love you." She whispered as she caressed your cheek.

"I love you too." You chuckled happily, letting it turn into a giggle as she kissed across your face lovingly.

You broke the comfortable silence in the air only a moment later by saying,

"So? Is this the only song you've written about me or...?"

"Oh, no. There's a lot more. You'll just have to wait and see."

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now