"I'll always keep you safe" (requested)

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You gripped Rosie's hand tighter when the door to the car opened. Instantly, the loud screams coming from excited fans that filled the airport just to try and catch a glimpse of the girls filled your ears.

You tried to take a deep breath, but it fell from your lips shakily. You're feeling nervous. This is the first time you and Rosie will be walking through such a crowded place together.

Your relationship just came out a few weeks ago and you've kept things pretty private. You've been in your own little world since you first began dating a few months ago and despite your relationship being public and known by almost everyone, she's still made sure your little world stays private.

The girls are going back on tour and you get to tag along. It's an exciting time! You're really looking forward to all the good food and the adventures you'll get to share with Rosie during the next several weeks.

You board the plane in just a few minutes. Rosé planned it all out in advance with the girls. You would stay right by her side the entire time. The girls would stay close, just in case you got separated along the way on your walk to get on the plane. She planned to make sure one guard was always by your side, too. She was determined to keep you safe.

But that didn't stop you from feeling so anxious. There were so many fans. They were so loud; their screams echoing and making your ears ring. You understood their excitement to see the girls they look up to. But it didn't make you feel less nervous.

"Hey," Rosie whispered softly, her hand squeezing yours comfortingly. "Don't be nervous."

"There are so many people." You mumbled.

"I know. But everything is going to be just fine, I promise. You've got me and you've got the girls and guards. Trust me, baby. You are as safe as can be. Don't worry your pretty little mind. Just trust me. I'll keep you safe. Just keep your hand in mine. I'm not letting go of it, I swear."

You nodded and took a deep breath, watching as the girls climbed out one by one. Rosie was the last of them, but even as she got out of the car, she kept her hand in yours.

She helped you step out and gave your hand a couple more squeezes as the screams got even louder as you began to walk closer to the entrance of the airport.

"It's fine, baby. You're just fine." She spoke softly as she sensed your nerves heighten.

The camera flashes began to go off from the paparazzi that had gathered inside the airport to catch some good photos of the girls. You kept your head down, watching your feet move as you walked as quickly as you could with Rosie.

You felt like they were getting closer and closer. You felt a tug at the sleeve of your shirt and you quickly turned your head, only for a bright light to hit your eyes as a flash of someone's camera went off.

One of the fans had gotten too close, desperate to get a few photos of you and Rosie together.

Your breathing was getting unsteady and your hand was shaking in Rosé's. She quickly turned her head to look at you, feeling her heart shatter over the sight of you looking so freaked out. She noticed people were getting close to you; too close, despite the guard staying close to you. They were shoving their cameras in your face and reaching out to touch you; just overall getting too close for comfort.

She knew she wasn't allowed to say too much about your relationship. The fans come first, pleasing them and making them happy comes first. Usually, when this happens to idols, they just have to go with it.

But this was you. It was your space they were invading. It was you that was becoming anxious and overwhelmed and that was not okay with her.

"Hey!" She yelled loudly and despite the loud screams from the fans, her voice was still loud enough for fans to hear. "You're scaring my girlfriend! She isn't used to this. So please, back up! Give her some space!"

They didn't all listen though, especially not the paparazzi.

So she pulled you into her arms and kept you in her warm and safe embrace with every step taken. The girls and guards were helping guide you both as you gripped her sweater in your hand so tightly that she worried you'd rip it.

"It's okay, baby. We're almost there. It's almost done." She soothed and rubbed your back comfortingly, letting you cling to her as much as you needed.

It felt like forever before you boarded that plane. It was a long few minutes of constant anxiety that you felt before you finally got to your seats.

But once you did, you felt relieved.

"There we go. All safe now." Rosie smiled and brushed her fingers through your hair. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks to you." You said and finally felt as if you could breathe normally again. "Thanks for protecting me."

"You know there's nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you. I'm sorry these things come along with my life, but I promise I'll always do my best to protect you. I'll always keep you safe. Okay?"

You gave her a sweet kiss before you put your head on her shoulder, smiling as the plane took off a few minutes later as you looked forward to all the adventures you and Rosé would have.

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