for you? I'd do anything (requested)

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"Rosie? Rosie. Wake up, my love." You said as you shook your girlfriend's shoulder to wake her from her slumber.

She unwillingly opened her eyes and groaned when she was met with the light in the bedroom. She blinked a few times to adjust to the brightness and looked over to the window to find that it was still dark outside. One glance at the clock told her that it was only a little after six am, which was way too early for her to wake up on her day off.

"Y/n?" She mumbled tiredly and closed her eyes once more, only to open them again when you accidentally hit her shoulder with a clean pair of her sweats. "You're making me get dressed, too?"

"Only out of your pajamas and into your cozy sweats, babe."

She whined and covered her eyes with her forearm.

"Baby, I know it's early. But I have a surprise for you and I've had this planned for weeks. So will you please help me out and just get changed so we can get going?"

She was suddenly intrigued by your mention of a surprise. She sat up quickly and gazed at you with a curious look in her eyes.

"What is it?"

"I'm not telling you. If I did then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it, silly girl?"

She pouted her lips but stopped when you gave her a loving kiss. A smile tugged at her lips now and she suddenly seemed to have a change of heart. She was still sleepy but she wasn't feeling it as much now with the idea of a surprise happening.

"Get changed and brush your teeth."

She nodded and went into the bathroom to do just that. But when she finished and came out a few minutes later, she was surprised to find her pillows and blankets gone.

She looked around in confusion and quickly looked to find you standing in the doorway, leaning against the door as you admired your beautiful girl.

"What is going on with you?"

"You'll see. Come on. Your stuff is in the car. I packed your suitcase already with all of your clothes. Your phone is in the front, along with a charger, just in case you decide to reach for it during the long ride. I have drinks, snacks, playlists for the road. I think we are good to go."

She furrowed her eyebrows as you walked out the door hand in hand. With her toothbrush in your hand, you threw it in the same little bag with yours and the brand new tube of toothpaste.

"Baby, I don't know what you're up to, but I have to be back tomorrow for practice."

"Don't worry your pretty head, Rosie. I've got it all covered. I'll fill you when we get where we're going but for now, you just relax and get cozy while I drive." You said as you got into the car and started it up.

You pulled the car out of the driveway while she busied herself with getting cozy. She fixed the seat and the blanket over her lap while taking your phone and turning on some good music. She put a pillow under her head and one smaller one against the door, so she couldn't hit her head when she got comfortable enough to rest.

"Rosie," you whispered, laying your hand over hers from across the cupholders. "You can sleep. I know I woke you up early and I know you've been working hard lately. It'll still be a little while before we get there, so you can sleep if you want to."

"Babe, I wanna know where it is we're going." She whined, clearly getting antsy and even more curious by the second.

"You'll see soon, baby."

She groaned impatiently but quickly closed her eyes and slept.

She was so tired she slept during one of the stops you made, only waking back up when you got back inside the car and clicked your seatbelt once more.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just had to gill up the tank."

"Okay..." she mumbled and stretched out while watching you hit the road once more. The sun was out the time much later than it had been when you first left.

"Are we there yet?"

"Not yet, Rosie."

"Okay... how about now?"

"Rosé," you groaned and she couldn't help but chuckle. "Okay, I'll stop asking. If you tell me where we're going."

You really didn't want to spoil the surprise but she was so excited, so curious, that you couldn't help but cave when you saw the look in her bright eyes, just hoping you'd spill the beans.

"We're going on a road trip for a few days."

She gasped excitedly but sadness quickly appeared in her eyes.

"But... I have practice and I have to be in the studio."

"Actually, I talked to the girls, and they said you need a vacation. They're taking a couple of days to rest, too. So you're free for a few days and you're all mine."

She leaned over to kiss your cheek happily then held your other hand the rest of the drive to your first stop.

Not much later, you finally stopped at the hotel where you planned to stay for tonight and the next night. Rosie was in shock, surprised to find you'd gone all out for this special road trip.

You fell onto the bed with a sigh and closed your eyes. But a second later, a pair of lips hit yours for a sweet little peck and you were opening them again to find your girlfriend staring down at you before she pecked your lips once again.

"Hey, baby,"

"Hi." She smiled and fell onto the bed beside you. She took ahold of your hand and intertwined your fingers before she brought your hand to her lips to pepper kisses across your knuckles. "You're so amazing, y/n. I can't believe that you did all of this for me. A road trip with my favorite girl is just what I've been needing."

"I figured so." You spoke softly as you used your free hand to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. "You've been working hard and you needed a vacation. I love you a lot and I miss spending time with you."

"Same here, baby girl," she said before kissing your lips. "Thanks for doing this."

"For you? I'd do anything."

She kissed you again, but this time she didn't pull away. She moved to hover over you and sighed against your lips as you kissed her back passionately. Her hand stayed intertwined with yours, even when she pulled away from the kiss.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." She whispered as she gazed into your eyes with a look of adoration. "I'm so lucky to call you mine. I love you so much."

"I love you too." You said before pushing your lips back onto hers, knowing already that these next few days were gonna be some of the best of your life so far.

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