fighting in the car (requested)

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"You're not gonna talk to me now?" Rosé spoke bitterly as she drove home.

She tried to keep her eyes on the road, but she occasionally looked your way to find you staring out the window. She knows you're upset, but she's not exactly happy with you right now, either.

"Really not in the mood right now." You grumbled and tried to reach over and turn up the radio, but she turned it right back down immediately. "I don't get what your problem is!"

"My problem?" She scoffed.

"Yes, your problem, Rosie. We were supposed to be having a night out, a cute little date for the first time in who knows how long, and you embarrassed me! You shouldn't have dumped your drink on that poor girls' head.

"That poor girl?" She rolled her eyes. "Whatever,
y/n. You didn't see the way she was looking at you. It's like no one else in that restaurant existed. Not me or any of the other customers she was supposed to be taking care of. You walked in and her eyes lit up and you became her only priority. She was touching you and gazing at you like she was head over heels for you."

You just rolled your eyes and stared out the window.

The rest of the ride home was silent. Not a word was spoken between the two of you for the entire twenty minutes remaining.

Instead, the car was filled with your breathing and her huffs.

You only seemed to feel relieved when she pulled into the driveway. You unbuckled your seatbelt and rushed inside the house.

Rosie was trailing behind you, climbing the stairs just as quickly as you. But you made it into the bedroom before her and closed the door before she could even wedge her foot between the doorway to stop you.

You turned the lock and sat at the foot of the bed as she knocked on the door and called your name in anger.

"Y/N? Open the door. This is ridiculous!" She said as she banged her hand against the wooden door until she stopped when she realized you weren't opening it up.

She dropped her forehead against it with a heavy sigh and then a shaky breath.

"We'll talk when you're ready." She said and made it sound like she walked away when in reality, she simply plopped down onto the floor and waited impatiently for the door to open.

You both took the time to calm down and reflect on the night. You realized the waitress was indeed flirting with you. You were just oblivious to it because you were with your girl and she was all you could seem to focus on.

Rosie knew she was in the wrong for overreacting and drawing attention to the both of you on your quiet night out, which you barely get, and always worry someone will intrude on it.

She hugged your knees and dropped her forehead against one of them as she racked her brain on how she could apologize and try to make this all up to you.

But then, the door opened and your eyes locked right away.

"I was hoping you'd open the door." She admitted as she slowly stood up.

"I was hoping you'd be waiting for me." You whispered in return.

She took your hand and let you lead her into the bedroom.

"I'm sorry," you both said at the same time then chuckled and dropped your head onto her shoulder.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have overreacted. Guess I could've spoken to a manager to get a new waitress or taken you somewhere else, or maybe even bit my tongue. Either way, I was wrong and I'm sorry."

"Me too. Especially for not knowing she was flirting with me."

"How could you not know, baby?" She asked curiously and you just shook your head with a smile while squeezing her hand before saying,

"Because, how on earth could I notice another girl, when you're the one I get to come home to every day? When you're that beautiful, that sweet? When you take such good care of me and make me feel so loved and wanted? You're the only one for me, Rosie. I know people might flirt, just like I know people flirt with you. But I never notice when they do, because I couldn't care less when I've got you - the most beautiful girl in the world."

She stared at you adoringly for a moment before dropping her forehead onto yours. She brushed a lock of hair behind your ear and kissed you softly.

"Let's put it all behind us. We've still got a few hours before bed so we can continue our date night at home."

"What do you have in mind?" You asked, only for her to push you on your back and lay on you.

"Anything you want, my beautiful girl. But, I've got a couple of ideas." She said before kissing you quickly, feeling her heart soar in her chest when you smiled against her lips before bringing her closer.

Your fight was over now, replaced with a little loving makeout, and a night of cuddles and films were bound to be ahead, too. But you didn't care how you spent the time, as long as it's your girl that you're spending it with.

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