waking up without her next to you

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Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you looked at the clock to find it was after two in the morning. It felt oddly cold tonight even though your blanket was wrapped around you securely.

When you looked over where Rosé sleeps, it all made sense as to why. She wasn't there. The sheets were cold, signaling she hasn't been in bed in a while. You were still so tired but now you're curious and a little worried.

So, reluctantly, you pushed your own blanket away and let your feet carry you out of the bedroom. The lights in the hallway were off and it was perfectly quiet upstairs. So you started to make your way down the stairs.

You could hear the tv playing and Rosé laughing quietly and even though you were tired and cold, you still felt a little smile. The sound was so uplifting and joyous, it was impossible not to smile whenever you heard it.


She looked your way and reached for the remote. She turned the volume down as you approached her. "Y/n? What are you doing up? Why aren't you asleep?"

"I could ask you the same thing." You saw her smile fall. "I woke up feeling cold and you weren't there with me. I wanted to check on you. I got a little worried about where you were." Rosé's smile returned. She found it sweet that you wanted to check on her, despite the fact that you were clearly tired.

"I'm sorry, baby. I came down here because I couldn't fall asleep. I didn't wanna risk waking you up so I came down here. I figured I'd get tired sooner or later and I'd just make my way back up to bed but I'm still wide awake."

You took her hand and kissed the back of it. "I'm sorry about that. Let's go back to bed, maybe you'll fall asleep." She was hesitant. Clearly, she didn't think she'd be falling asleep, but you knew of ways to help. "Come on, I'll help you."

She turned the tv off and took your hand, letting you lead her back up to bed. You climbed in under your blanket and covered her up with her own. "Lay your head in my lap." You instructed and Rosé did as you said. You started to play with her hair and you hummed her favorite song quietly, creating a warm and comforting atmosphere.

She wasn't exactly tired, but she was very content and that was enough to cause her eyes to flutter closed. You twirled some strands around your fingertips, smiling at the sighs leaving her lips. "I love you. I really don't know what I'd ever do without you." She mumbled and from the sound of her voice, you knew she was close to falling asleep.

"I love you too, baby. Sleep tight." You kissed the top of her head and waited till you could hear her breathing turn steady, which it did just a moment later. You let yourself fall asleep shortly after. You felt much better knowing she was so close to you and she was finally getting the sleep she deserved.

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