confessions (requested)

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You stared at Rosie, watching her as she slept. You couldn't help but reach out to touch her and brush your fingers along her soft skin. The cold titanium of your wedding ring on your finger touched her skin, causing her to stir slightly.

It still doesn't feel real. It's been a few weeks now. Your entire life changed that day. Your marriage had been arranged by your parents and at first, you were completely against it. You barely knew Rosie and truthfully, you were quite bitter about the entire thing.

The first few days of living together were tense and awkward. It's gotten a little easier now and you know the reason why - you're genuinely falling in love with her.

It was only a matter of time. You both let your walls down recently. The rest of your lives would be full of only misery had you not started to let go and lean on each other a little more, like a normal couple should.

But you're not sure if she feels the same.

See, when things first began, you looked forward to the hours she was away. You enjoyed the peace and quiet that came along with an empty house and a cold and lonely bed.

But now, you find yourself missing her. You like when she's around. You turn on those stupid comedy films she likes just to hear her laugh and see her smile. You make her favorite foods, just to hear her tell you that she enjoyed it. You enjoy coming up to your shared bed because you can pretend to be asleep and move into her arms for her to hold onto you.

But she's the opposite. She's quiet and a little closed-off still, despite the progress you've made so far. She doesn't offer to hold you or cuddle with you. She doesn't say much to you.

She just leaves you constantly wondering if you're alone on truly catching feelings and if this arranged marriage will be long and lonely.

You sighed quietly and shook your head of your thoughts.

"You know I can feel you staring, right?" She grumbled.

But, for a second, you thought you saw her lips stretching into a tiny smile. Only for her to brush her hands over her face, causing it to fade away.

"I was just-"

"Just go to sleep." She mumbled and turned away from you, making your heart shatter a little.

You tried to keep the heartache to yourself. But you're tired of feeling this way; as though the feelings in your marriage are just one-sided.

"Why do you hate me?"

She turned her head, gazing at you with a confused expression.

"Seriously, Rosé. We've got an entire lifetime of marriage ahead of us. Is it always gonna be like this?"

She groaned and turned onto her back.

"Y/N, it's six in the morning. Can't we just sleep and then talk about this?"

"No." You said sternly. "Because I know you won't actually talk to me about this unless I put you on the spot."

"Y/N-" She sighed, only for you to interrupt.

"Stop!" You pleaded and buried your head in your hands. "This has been really hard on me-"

"As if you were the only one going into an arranged marriage? It's not exactly easy on me either."

You stared at her in annoyance, only for the look to fade and be replaced with a look of sadness.

"I feel like you'd rather be going into an arranged marriage with anyone but me." You confessed, your voice laced with heartbreak. "I feel like you can't stand to even be around me. You don't open up to me about much of anything. You never ask how I'm doing. You don't show me any affection. It scares me, Rosie."

"Why?" She asked, her jaw clenched.

"Because! Because we're spending the rest of our lives together and I don't want you to hate me every day."

You sighed and watched her eyes go soft and the confused look in her eyes fade away.

"Because I'm scared that I'm actually falling in love with you and you're not falling in love with me. It's one-sided and it's always going to be that way."

She didn't say a word. She just stared at you, looking shocked over your confession.

You felt like you could barely breathe. There you were, pouring out your entire heart to her while she sat in silence.

"Screw this. I'm sleeping in the room across the hall."

"No, you're not." She spoke softly as she gently grabbed your wrist to keep you from leaving the bed.

"Rosie, please, let go."

She heard the crack in your voice and, in return, felt a crack in her heart.

"No. I can't let go. We need to talk this out like the adults we are."

You didn't want to look at her though. So you stayed on the bed and kept your gaze on your painted nails.

"You really think I hate you?"

"You sure act like it."

She sighed and sank her teeth into her lip. She didn't know if she should speak right at that very moment. Because there was a lump growing in her throat over the thought of making you feel that way.

"I could never hate you." She confessed. "I haven't shown you affection because I worried that I would be making you uncomfortable because you didn't like me. Your feelings are not one-sided. I'm falling in love with you too. No, actually, forget that. I am in love with you. I have been from the moment I met you."

You turned your head to look at her and saw her eyes looking shiny and soft.

"I just didn't tell you because you didn't seem so enthused about this situation. It was just easier to hide my feelings than live in heartache for the rest of my life."

You looked away from her eyes and down to her hand. Slowly, you wrapped your fingers around hers and gave her hand a squeeze as you looked back up at her.

"I love you."

She smiled brightly at you for the first time and your heart nearly burst from the beautiful sight.

She used her free hand to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear before she stroked your cheek softly.

"I love you too, beautiful girl."

You moved in for a hug and as her arms wrapped around you, you felt a sense of comfort that you've never felt before. It felt like you were at home like you were finally right where you belong. You've never been so happy.

"How about we start over?"

"I'd like that." You said and felt her lips brush against your head.

Cheekily, you lifted your head up to look at her with a cute smile that melted her heart and said,

"You missed."

She gently laid you onto your back and hovered over you. Instantly, her lips were on yours, moving against your own in a loving kiss.

It felt like heaven. You could feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins, felt the sparks flying. It felt like time had stopped, like no one in the world existed except for the two of you.

"You're so perfect." She whispered against your lips. "I'm so lucky to be with you." She said and moved to kiss your neck lovingly before she pulled away and just laid her forehead on your shoulder, her arms holding you tightly as you basked in the moment of love together.

Maybe, a lifetime with her by your side wouldn't be so bad after all.

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now