the first time she sees your scars (requested)

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You couldn't help the soft sigh that fell from your lips as Rosé began to softly kiss your neck.

You could hear the movie playing in the background, but truth be told you had no idea what was happening in the film.

Somewhere along the way, amid the uneventfulness in the film, Rosé pulled you in for a kiss, and now you can't seem to pull away.

It was like her kisses were your oxygen. Every time she stopped peppering them along your lips or your skin, you found yourself in a state of bliss.

You've only been together for a few months and this is the first time you've gotten carried away. You were a little nervous to allow yourself to be one swept up in her kisses, but now you can't seem to remember why.

As she kissed down your neck to your collarbones and down your chest to kiss along the skin that was exposed by your shirt, you let your head fall back against the pillow and soft sighs fell from your lips.

It was all sweet and loving, completely blissful. At least it was until she started to push up your shirt.

Your eyes flew open and you tried your hardest to stop her from slipping off your shirt. But she managed to slip it off in her own blissful state, only snapping out of it when she heard your shaky breaths, and not in the once contented state you were in.

She was about to ask you why when her eyes suddenly fell to your chest and your arms. She saw the old scars marking your body and she went wide-eyed at the sight.

In a panic, you reached for your shirt and tried to pull it over your head as fast as you possibly could. But it was no help. She'd already seen them... or, some of them.

"They're on my wrists and thighs, too."

She didn't say a word, just stared at you in a mix of confusion and concern,

"Rosie, please don't think less of me." You pleaded in a whisper, worried she might not see you the same now.

"What?" She asked. "Why would I ever think less of you? Do you think I view your scars as something ugly or unlovable? Because that is so not true. You should know me better than that by now."

She reached for your hand and slowly, she pushed the sleeves up your arms, letting your scars show clearly for the first time.

"I promise I haven't done it in a long time. They're just there now. They won't go away. I don't really like them."

She sent you a sad smile before she began to softly brush her thumb along your scars.

"I understand. I can see it from your point of view. But I don't see them the same way. These scars are so much more than you think. They show me how strong you are. You went through so much and you got through it. I'm not even surprised that you got through something so tough; you're my tough cookie after all."

You smiled a little and met her eyes, finding that they were bright and full of stars.

"I love you. Through all of your scars, and anything else you could think makes you flawed. You're still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Nothing could ever change that, and definitely not your scars that show me just how strong you are."

She began to kiss across your wrists, brushing her lips along your scars to make you feel even more loved.

"My girl. You're so perfect. So strong. And I'm so proud of you."

She moved her lips from your wrists to your lips, so she could give you a sweet kiss.

"You make me feel beautiful, Rosie."

"You are beautiful, baby girl. So, so beautiful. Nothing is gonna ever change that."

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now