she steals your blanket

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After laying in bed for the last hour or so spending your time tossing and turning, you were relieved that you finally felt tired enough to get to sleep.

Tonight was a tad chillier than it's been previously, so you were cozy and snug under your fluffy blanket. You could feel Rosé moving around in bed behind you. She had rolled around in her sleep just a little bit ago causing her arms to slip away from you, which wasn't really what you wanted when you're warmest tonight in her embrace. But she was fast asleep and you weren't gonna wake her.

Figuring that she was only moving around in her sleep you continued to let yourself drift away. But, suddenly, your blanket was being pulled away from you. Your eyes shot open when you realized that Rosé was pulling it off of you. She was successful just a few seconds after she started to try and she wrapped herself up in it.

Opening your eyes was the last thing you really wanted to do. But without her holding onto you and your blanket wrapped around you, you knew you wouldn't be comfortable enough to fall asleep without it.

You sat up in bed with your arms folded over your chest for a moment as you debated on what to do; waking her really wasn't what you wanted and if you could, you'd just pull it away from her and wrap yourself up in it again. But she had a good grip on it. It was secure with her and she wasn't letting go unless you told her to.

So, reluctantly, you woke her up. You shook her shoulder and rubbed her arm until she opened her eyes.

"Rosé? Are you awake?"

She groaned and stretched her legs out. "Yeah." She mumbled sleepily. "But barely. Is everything alright?"

"No. You stole my blanket."

She sat up suddenly and looked at the fluffy blanket that was draped over her lap. "Oh! I'm so sorry,
Y/N." She said and quickly gave it back to you. She didn't lay back down right after like you thought she would. Instead, she made sure you were covered up before she was moving behind you.

Your back pressed against her chest and she put her arms around you. "I'm sorry I stole your blanket. I didn't mean to." She whispered as she buried her lips in your hair and placed a few kisses to the back of your head.

"I know. It's alright. I'm nice and warm now, and not just because I've got my blanket again." You said and chuckled when you felt her fingers brush along your ribs playfully. "Thanks for keeping me warm. I love you."

She cracked a smile as she closed her eyes again, hoping you were doing the same. "It's what I'm here for. I love you too. Sleep tight and sweet dreams." She whispered and drifted back off to sleep, and this time you did the same.

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