she won't let go when you hug her

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There's nothing worse than fighting with Rosé.

This particular argument seemed pointless and silly when you reflect on it. But at the moment you both felt stressed and tired, letting your bottled up emotions get the best of you while she let the stress of her hard day rile her up, creating so much tension that you left the room to let yourself calm down and let her do the same.

It was just a few minutes later when you heard her coming into the room. The mattress dipped beside you and she exhaled shakily before slowly reaching for your hand. "I'm sorry. Our argument was silly. I let my emotions from today get the best of me."

You nodded and laid your head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry too." You felt her lips brush across your forehead before she pulled away from you and opened her arms up for you. "Can I have a hug?" You giggled and climbed into her lap, letting her arms wrap around you as yours wrapped around her.

"I love you so much." You mumbled and then tried to pull away, but her grip was too strong and she wasn't letting you go. "Uh, Rosé? Do you wanna let go?"

"Nope." She murmured and then moved so you fell back onto the bed and she fell right on top of you. You laughed, only feeling her grip around you grow tighter. "Rosé!" You laughed when her fingers accidentally brushed along your sides.

Her head was originally placed on your chest but she lifted it up and moved a little so her forehead could fall onto yours. You gazed into each other's eyes before she leaned in to kiss you, passionately moving her lips against your own.

Your fight was long forgotten as you laid there, sharing more intimate moments and uttering words of love through each and every kiss because at the end of the day that's all you really felt for each other; love.

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