ice cream (requested)

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You walked through the store with your headphones in, listening to a new song you've been obsessed with since it first came out just a few days ago.

You're only here for one thing tonight. It might seem a little silly to some people to come to the shop at nine at night for a tub of ice cream. But your day wasn't all that great and you needed a quick pick me up.

You made your way to the freezer section, completely unaware of the four girls walking a little further back behind you that were headed to the same section as you.

You looked carefully through all of the options until your eyes fell onto your favorite flavor of all. It made your mouth water just thinking about it!

There was only one container but you thought it was just you in the aisle since your music blocked out the voices and footsteps behind you and the store didn't have many people shopping in the first place

Excited, you opened the freezer door and went to reach for it. But just as you went to grab it, another hand brushed against yours. You jumped and paused your music to look at whoever it was trying to reach for your ice cream.

Your breath hitched when you saw her. The beautiful blonde girl standing in front of you. Her friends stood off to the side, exchanging glances as they watched the both of you.

"Sorry, let me just take this and get out of your way." You mumbled, only for the girl to shake her head.

"No. I'm taking it."

"Bit I saw it first. Plus, it's my favorite kind."

"Yeah? Mine too." She said and even though she was wearing a mask, you saw her eyes crinkle like she was smiling. But whatever made her smile was quickly gone from her head as she shook it to clear it.

"Okay, but I reached for it first."

She sighed but didn't let go, making you roll your eyes.

"Look, I had a really rotten day and all I want is this ice cream. Can't you just find another kind?"

"Yeah, well, so did I." She responded.

Before you could say anything else, you heard one of her friends clear her throat and step in between the both of you.

"I have an idea! Instead of arguing over a tub of ice cream in the middle of a store, why don't you share it?"

"How do you suggest we do that?" The girl asked and Jisoo shrugged her shoulders.

"There's a park nearby. You should go there. You never know, might be fun." Lisa suggested and the girl gazed at you.

"Do you want to?"

"As long as I get to enjoy this ice cream, I'm okay with it."

She nodded and walked to the register, where you split the price and paid together for the ice cream and the spoons you reached for, too.

The park was a short distance from the shop so you simply walked there together.

Something was really getting to you though. The more the girl talked to you, the more you recognized her.

You knew that Aussie accent. You knew that voice. Where did you know it from?

You didn't give it much thought and simply brushed it off until you reached the bench in the park.

As you opened up the tub, the girl lowered her mask down to her chin. She smiled at you and sent you those big brown eyes.


You knew who she was. How could you not catch on until now? In fact, you were just listening to her! On shuffle in your music, her song had come up.


You've been a fan for quite some time now. It almost felt... surreal. This is the girl you fought over ice cream with. This is the girl who was actually so happy around you right now that her eyes crinkled when she smiled brightly.

She's beautiful. But, oh my, you can't help but think she's even more beautiful in person.

"Hello?" She giggled as she licked her spoon and snapped her fingers in front of her eyes.

"Hm? What?"

"I asked you what your name is? I'm Rosé."

I know, you thought but held back from saying it.

Not because you wanted to lead her on or lie to her or anything of that sort.

But rather because she looked like she trusted you already. Because she looked at you in awe, as though she wondered how you didn't recognize her.

She gets recognized by everyone now, at this point in her life and career. Oh, it was so nice to meet someone that didn't recognize her. Like she didn't have to worry if you were gonna judge her or ask her personal questions or ask for photos or autographs.

She was just normal around you. Just a normal girl, who you fought with about ice cream.

"Oh, I'm y/n," you quickly said and, if possible, her smile grew.

"That's a pretty name."

Your cheeks turned red and you giggled and ate the ice cream together.

"Also, sorry for arguing about the ice cream. I can be stubborn sometimes."

"Me too." You chuckled. "But don't worry. Honestly, I'm kinda happy you did. This beats wallowing in my sorrows and stuffing my face with ice cream while watching romcoms and crying about my day."

She kindly laid her hand on yours and said,

"I'm happy you said that because I feel the same. Also, I don't know what happened or what went wrong but I sincerely hope that your day tomorrow is a much better day for you."

"Thanks." You smiled and she nodded happily before she continued eating.

Time passed by too fast. The sun went down, the moon hung low in the sky. The park was basically empty, aside from you and Rosie and her friends who were being silly and swinging back and forth and having fun.

The conversation never ended and even though you've always had a special spot in your heart for Rosé, you felt like it grew for her as you got to know her and she opened up to you about her bad day that was suddenly so much better because of you.

And before you knew it, the tub of ice cream was empty.

"That was the best ice cream I've ever had."

You nodded in agreement, smiling at her.

"Well... I should be going."

You sounded sorta sad as the words fell from your lips. And honestly, Rosé felt a little sad when you said that.

"Wait! Before you go, I'd like to ask you if you'd like to go out sometime?"


"Yeah. You're really sweet and pretty and I had fun hanging out with you. I'd like to do it again sometime."

You nodded happily and handed her your phone so she could put her number in. You did the same with her phone before you put the empty tub and spoons into the trash and then turned around with a smile so pretty that it melted Rosie's heart.

"See you soon, Rosie."

"Tomorrow?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah. Sounds perfect."

And what do you know? Her hope for you was gonna come true...

Because with knowing you'll get to see her again tomorrow, your day was gonna be so much better than it was today. That was for certain.

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