making out (requested)

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You're almost certain there's nothing better than these moments with Rosie.

On her day off, you're spending the entire day by her side. A movie played and your back was against her chest with her arms around you tight, holding you as close as she could while you watched a movie you've both been waiting to see.

She drew circles along your palm with her fingertips. You couldn't help but giggle, heart fluttering as she spoils you with all the love and affection you deserve.

Suddenly, she was pulling one arm away from you so she could brush your hair from one side of your neck to the other before she started to kiss along your skin ever so softly.

"I've missed you so much." She whispered against your skin.

She expected you to tilt your head to the side to give her more access to your soft skin like you usually would. But today was different. Although the butterflies still appeared in your chest from her soft kisses trailing along your delicate skin, you missed her like crazy and you craved her kisses.

You took her by surprise by wiggling out of her arms so you could turn around to face her. You leaned in slowly, making her anticipate the brush of your lips against hers even more.

She sighed softly when they hit hers and, instinctively, her arms went back around you to pull you closer.

You spent a couple of minutes sat comfortably on her lap with your arms looped around her neck and your lips moving passionately against your own until Rosie decided to gently lay you on her back.

She hovered over you and as her lips continued to move fiercely against yours, she moved to caress your sides.

Her hand slid beneath your shirt and pushed it up just a little, so she could brush her fingertips along your skin; from your stomach to your sides, along to your ribs, and even down to your hips.

There was a fire running through your veins and everywhere she touched made your skin tingle. You stroked her hair, lacing your fingers through it and combing them through her blonde locks ever so gently.

She hummed against your lips and pulled away. She dropped her forehead against yours, letting you both come up for air for a split second before she pecked your lips again.

But just as you went to melt into her kisses and try to pull her even closer to you, she pulled back from the kiss once more. Her eyes filled with adoration as she kissed the corners of your lips and looked right into your eyes when she did.

But soon, her kisses trailed from your lips to your chin, then to your jaw and your neck again.

You tilted your head back, a blissful sigh falling from your lips as she trailed hers along your skin. She gave a little extra love to that one spot on your neck that drives you wild every time she kisses it.

Like every time before, you could only whisper her name through the hum falling from your lips.

"I've missed this." You whispered. "Missed you, Rosie."

Her touch was golden, her heartbeat just as fast as yours as she pressed her chest down onto your own.

She moved back to your lips after gently biting at your skin for a sweet moment. You felt her hands take ahold of yours.

She gazed into your eyes as she intertwined your fingers together, smiling that beautiful and bright smile of hers that makes you weak in the knees before she kissed you once more.

"Missed you too. I love you so much."

You took her by surprise once more by turning her over onto her back. She giggled happily and looped her arms around your lower back, giving you a squeeze before moving her hands to your hips.

You didn't hesitate in pushing your lips on hers, keeping your kisses romantic and sweet.

But just a moment later, you tugged at her lower lip with your teeth and pulled away to kiss your way to her collarbones.

A smile tugged at her lips and her heart fluttered as a rush of happiness came over her as she held you close while you took some time to spoil her with all the love she deserves and more.

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