nothing else matters (requested)

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This chapter is Idol! Reader x Idol! Rosé

"I'm so happy we could see each other tonight," Rosie whispered softly in your ear as her fingers ran along your back.

Your head was on her shoulder, both of you staring at the sky to find a couple of stars shining.

"I mean, I know it's not the most romantic place to have a date." She laughed and kissed the top of your head.

"You've never had a date in a convenience store parking lot at one in the morning?" You asked with a laugh falling from your lips.

"First time for everything, I guess." She joked, shoving the last bite of her food into her mouth before pushing the empty container aside. "If I'm being honest though, I'm happy that it's with you. Truthfully, I'd go anywhere with you at any time, if it means we're spending time together."

"Me too. I wish we had more of it to spend together."

She nodded in agreement, trying to block out the city noise in the background by focusing solely on you.

Being an idol isn't always easy and being an idol and dating an idol is sometimes even harder. Having to try to keep your now four-month-long relationship under wraps is hard on the both of you when you're head over heels for each other and wish you could shout it from the rooftops.

You've both been so busy lately. With the girls being the most successful they've ever been and your band starting to get there, your schedules are both overwhelming, and finding time to go on dates hasn't been easy. You've done a lot of FaceTiming lately and though it's better than nothing, it doesn't compare to these moments spent in each other's arms.

"I don't want to go home yet. I just wanna be with you." You whispered as you tucked your face into her neck, stealing a few kisses from her soft skin before pulling back.

"Me too."

She tightened her arms around you and you turned your face. She leaned in to kiss your lips a few times. It's not your first kiss, far from it, honestly. But she still feels those sparks and that rush that she's never felt before with anyone else.

Someone grumbling nearby made you break away from her lips. You dropped your cheek back to her shoulder, intent on just being present with her for a while; for as long as the universe would allow.

But out of nowhere, a guy nearby stopped in his tracks. He met your eyes, sticking his tongue out to wet his dry lips. You moved closer into Rosie's arms, already creeped out.

But the man did something you didn't expect... he let out a scoff and a chuckle, making you and Rosé look at each other worriedly before looking at the man.

"I recognize you both." He said. "You're pretty." He said, pointing to you. "You, however," he paused, gazing at your girlfriend before laughing. "Not so much. Don't know what you see in her."

"Hey! That's really horrible of you to say!" You said as you got up, pulling out of Rosie's arms. She tried to pull you back into them, ready to suggest you go somewhere else. Somewhere far away from this weirdo.

"Oh? Really? What are you gonna do about it, huh?" He asked, stepping uncomfortably close to you.

"Y/n, let's go," Rosie said as an overwhelming and unexplainable wave of fear washed over her. She tried to tug at your arm and get the both of you out there before something bad happens. She had a sick feeling, something in her gut that told her something wasn't right with this man.

You turned back to look at her and when you did, the man saw his opportunity and took you by surprise. A sharp pain was felt in your stomach and Rosé watched in horror as you fell onto your knees. The man ran away, some sharp object in his hand covered in something... red?

It hit her quickly what had just happened. She fell to her knees beside you, yelling out for help as she tried to keep you calm and stop the bleeding.

Before this, she was determined to keep your relationship under wraps, to allow you both privacy and safety. But she didn't care about the world finding out about your relationship anymore. You were hurt! You needed serious medical attention! Nothing else mattered at that moment more than you getting that.

The following hours were grueling.

Rosé had to make a lot of calls, starting with the girls. They knew about your relationship. They adored you. But they never would've seen anything like this coming, not even in their wildest dreams. She had to explain she couldn't make it to practice and understandably so.

Then she had to call your members, who she's grown close to since you got together. They promised they'd be there soon, planning to cancel any and all obligations your group had that day. Then she had to make the tough call to YG, explaining that people saw you together. People recognized you and there'd be news about you being hurt, and your relationship would most likely leak to the public.

But she didn't care. That was all the least of her worries when you had been hurt because of some psycho guy that police thankfully caught. You're in a hospital bed... that was where her mind was. Nothing else but you mattered to her at that moment.

She put her head against the wall and closed her eyes. She breathed out a deep sigh and fought to keep her eyes open. And just as they closed, only a moment later, a hand was felt on her arm. She jumped, taking the poor doctor by surprise.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" She apologized and the man shook his head.

"It's okay. Your girlfriend wants to see you."

She breathed out a sigh of relief and instantly stood on her shaky legs. She followed him down the hall and into your room. You laid on the hospital bed, sending your girlfriend a sad smile as she came inside and sat on the chair by your bed.

"Are you okay? I was freaking out! I was so worried about you."

"I'm okay, baby." You promised and took her hand into yours. "I lost some blood and it hurt. But I'm gonna be just fine."

"I'm so happy to hear that."

She kissed your cheek lingeringly and started to comb her fingers through your hair.

"I called the girls. Well, mine and yours. They'll be here shortly." She smiled and lowered her head to kiss across your arm. "I'm pretty sure our relationship is gonna get leaked. There were people that recognized both of us. You were in pretty bad shape and some people were stupid and disrespectful and took photos..." She paused, looking into your eyes.

"Would it be bad if I said that I'm not upset about that? I mean, it's sucky, yeah. It especially sucks that this is how it'll be known. But I'm tired of hiding. I love you and I'm tired of having to hide that."

"I feel the same way, baby." She said before kissing your lips. "And, hey, it's nearing three in the morning and you've got a pretty good view for when the sun rises in two or three hours from now."

You laughed before patting the free space in the bed and she happily crawled into it. You dropped your head onto her shoulder and relished in the kisses that were peppered across it afterward and the warmth and comfort her arms provided.

Things had changed so much in such a short amount of time. But you were both okay, and that was what was most important.

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