you have a nightmare (requested)

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"Y/N," Rosé groaned when she felt you tossing and turning restlessly beside her. She tried to keep her eyes closed, knowing that she has a busy day ahead and she was finally close to falling asleep. But your constant tossing and turning was keeping her awake.

"Y/N? Can you not sleep?" She mumbled tiredly and rolled over onto her back, only to hear what sounded like whimpers falling from your lips instead. "Y/N?"

She turned the light on to find you rolling around with beads of sweat falling down your skin. Pleas started to suddenly leave your lips causing Rose to panic.

"Baby? Wake up," She said as she shook your shoulder and continued to call your name until you sat up. A yelp fell from your lips and you started panting hard, trying to catch your breath while Rosé sat close to you. Her pulse was racing, as was her brain as she slowly reached her hand out to touch you.

"Rosé? Rosé!"

Your voice was frantic as you called her name. You started to feel around the bed for her anxiously; on edge until you felt the touch of her hand and heard her voice in your ear.

"Shh." She whispered as she slid behind you and pulled you into her arms. "It's okay. I'm right here."

You turned around and threw your arms around her. Your grip on her was tight; like you were scared to let her go. She could feel your tears on her skin as you started to take in sharp and unsteady breaths.

"It's alright, baby. I'm here." She soothed and held onto you tightly. Her hand ran along your back comfortingly. She wanted you to know that she was there with you and she was trying to soothe you with the touch of her hand; knowing that you probably found the most comfort in that.

"You're okay? You're really okay?" You cried as you lifted your face from her neck and placed your hands on her cheeks. She looked deeply into your eyes and nodded.

"I'm just fine." She spoke softly. "And so are you. Whatever happened was all just a bad dream, my love."

"No!" You cried and clung to her. "It was a horrible dream! It felt so real."

She shushed you again and continued to brush her fingertips along your back and shoulders.

"I lost you." You mumbled sadly. "I had a dream that you..."

She didn't even need you to say the word. She already knew what you were gonna say.

You just cried and took more sharp breaths. "I couldn't help you! I tried but I couldn't,"

She shushed you again when you started to grow frantic. She moved her hands to cup your face gently. Her forehead fell to yours and she brushed her thumbs along your cheeks.

"I'm just fine. Nothing is gonna happen, baby. Not to me or to you. I promise. I've got you. It was all just a bad dream, a terrible dream. But it's over now and you're safe and sound because I'm holding onto you and I won't dare let you go."

Your breathing was once harsh but was starting to become more steady now. As she held you and she gave you little kisses and continued to soothe you with words of comfort, you started to relax.

"Wanna lay back down?"

"No!" You shook your head. "I don't wanna go back to sleep. I don't want to let you go."

"We don't have to go back to sleep right now, baby. We'll just lay down. I'll keep holding you." She whispered as she fell back onto the bed and pulled you down with her.

You both laid on your sides so you could face each other. You pressed your forehead to her chest and felt the beat of her heart. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. It was a comforting reminder that she was still right there.

"Don't let me go."

Your words were barely a whisper, but she still heard you loud and clear.

She ran her fingertips along your sides and kissed your forehead softly.

"I'm not going anywhere. You're safe. I'm safe. Nothing's gonna happen. I promise."

You nodded weakly and continued to find comfort in the loving look in her eyes or the sound of her heartbeat as the minutes, and eventually, hours, passed by. It was only when your eyes grew too heavy that you had no other choice but to close them.

She started to sing softly in your ear and it seemed to lull you to sleep, along with the brush of the tips of her fingers along your cheeks.

"I love you, Y/N. I'm still right here if you need me."She whispered as she watched you sleep, hoping that your dreams would be much sweeter this time around.

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