flinch (requested)

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In the span of your ten months together, you and Rosé have had your disagreements. You've gotten into small fights about stupid or petty things. But you've never fought as badly as you were fighting now.

You'd only gone out with a friend. Though you've stayed connected through social media over the years, it's been a few years since you've seen each other face to face. So when she told you she was in town for work but had some time off and wanted to catch up, you were over the moon and didn't hesitate to say yes.

Rosie, however, was unfamiliar with your friend and when the photos of the two of you spread online she grew nervous and, though she didn't want to admit, a little angry and jealous.

Which led to now. You stood in the kitchen, your eyes blurred with tears as Rosie tugged at her hair in frustration.

"Come on, y/n! Just tell me the truth! Tell me why she was holding onto you so tightly and why were you holding her hand in some of these pictures?"

"Because she's my friend! I haven't seen her in years and I was excited to show her around and take her to all my favorite places. I was holding her hand in some pictures to excitedly pull her into some of the shops!"

She sighed and dropped her forehead onto the counter. She mumbled something you couldn't quite catch and you were becoming annoyed.

"Don't tell me you believe this crap people post online. Rosie, you know how it goes. You've been in these situations firsthand! People follow you, take pictures, and manipulate and twist things around!"

A moment of awkward silence went by before she let out a groan.

"Can we please talk about this? Just calm down, I'm happy to explain it. I promise."

You stepped closer to her, simply wanting to lay your hand on her shoulder and maybe get her to calm down so you could rationalize the situation.

But she lifted her head just as you went around the counter. Her jaw was clenched and she had a few words on her tongue that you were terrified to hear her speak.

She lifted her hand, only planning to run her fingers through her long locks. But you felt worried already with her not hearing you out and the sight of her raising her hand made you flinch and step back in fear.

Rosie looked at you in confusion before looking at her hand, then back at you. A shatter in her now pounding heart hit as it all began to click.

"Y-You thought..." she paused, watching you sink against the wall and look at her anxiously. "You thought I was gonna hit you?"

You swallowed thickly as she started to panic and step closer to you.

"You know me, y/n. You know, no matter how badly we could ever fight or how upset I could ever become, that I would never lay a finger on you! I wouldn't ever hurt you, not ever."

She blinked rapidly as the tears starting to sting her eyes. She was in disbelief, an indescribable amount of sadness in her heart.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry."

You slowly stood on your feet and walked to her. She met you halfway, pulling you gently into her arms. She was hesitant to hold you tight.

"Hold me, Rosie." You pleaded and as soon as the words fell from your lips her arms were around you.

A moment of silence went by. It was filled with both of you unsure of what to say or do. But when the words entered your mind, you didn't hesitate to speak them.

"She's just my friend, I swear."

"I know." She mumbled. "I know that now, baby. I just got nervous, that's all. I hadn't met her before and seeing those pictures..."

she trailed off, teeth sinking into her lip as she rubbed your back.

"I'm afraid of losing you. And seeing you looking at me with your wide, fearful eyes, broke my heart. I never want you to think I'd ever hurt you. You know the only time I ever lay my hands on you it's just to tickle you, maybe, or to hold onto you, or to love on you. Never would I ever hurt you, no matter what."

"I know, darling. I know you wouldn't. I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"Don't apologize."

You pulled back and dropped your forehead onto hers. Your eyes locked but soon slipped shut as she pulled back to plant a lingering kiss onto your forehead.

"Can we just forget about this stupid fight? Put it behind us and maybe curl up in bed and watch a movie or something? I just want to forget all of this."

"I'd like that."

You moved out of her arms and started to head for the stairs. But she came up behind you and hugged you from behind. You stopped walking and leaned against her, melting into her touch.

"Can I meet her? She seems really nice."

You turned around and looped your arms around her neck before kissing her softly.

"I'd like that a lot."

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now