stay with me (requested)

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This chapter was requested after my most recent Jennie one the other night. I'm putting the same warning here that I put there - this chapter contains possibly triggering content, however it does not go into any detail.

If you don't like that or if it makes you uncomfortable in any way, please do not read below these lines.

Also, if you are struggling with any of these things mentioned, please don't be afraid to message me. My messages are always open and I'm here to listen. I'm here for you. Each and every single one of you matter to me. 💛


"Rosie? Are you home?" You called out as you walked through the front door. You quickly wiped your tear-stained cheeks in case she were to come down the stairs.

But you didn't hear her call back out for you or hear her rushing footsteps coming down the stairs, so you knew she wasn't home.

You made it up to your shared room and sat at the foot of the bed. You buried your head in your hands and tried to hold back the tears as the memory of today replayed.

The last week or so has been horrible. Your classmates in your university classes have been tearing you to pieces, relentlessly teasing and taunting you. They've started terrible rumors about you and have spoken some of the harshest words to you and it's left you with an awful ache in your heart.

You keep hearing their voices, their laughter, and the names they call you repeated again and again. You felt worthless.

You got up and made your way into the bathroom. You thought about taking a shower to hopefully wash the tension away before Rosé got home.

But your knees buckled beneath you and you took a seat on the bathroom floor before hugging your knees to your chest.

The week isn't even over yet. You still have two days left in the week and you're dreading tomorrow. You're not sure how to make it through.

The thought of facing another day was a lot to bear and the more you started to think about it, the more you feared that you just couldn't do it.

You stood up and made it to the tub before you reached for your razor.

But before you could do anything, you heard Rosie call your name before the bathroom door opened. You jumped in shock and the razor simply slipped from your hand and onto the floor by your foot.

The smile she once wore faded completely when your eyes locked.

"What are you doing?" She asked before she ran to you. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you bleeding anywhere?" She asked frantically, all of the words falling from her lips in a rush.

She looked all over your body, lifting and pulling up and down your clothes to check on you and, to her relief, you weren't bleeding anywhere.

She dropped her forehead onto your shoulder in relief. Her lips brushed against your skin and her arms wrapped around you as you began to cry.

"What were you thinking?"

You just shrugged your shoulders, but she shook her head and moved her hand to hook her fingers under your chin.

"I know you like the back of my hand, y/n. I know when you're lying and when you're keeping things from me. You're not being honest with me right now and I need you to be. Because you're obviously hurting. Please tell me why."

You swallowed thickly before you spoke.

"Some of my classmates are being really mean to me. They're starting rumors, saying things..." you paused and bit your lip as tears blurred your eyes. "It's been going on for a few days and now it's getting worse. I've tried blocking it all out but they're relentless."

She sighed sadly, watching you closely and listening to every single word she said as she tried to be strong, even though it hurt her to know how deeply you're hurting.

"I thought I'd be okay but I got overwhelmed. I feel like no one wants me around."

"I do!" She said as she cupped your cheek in her hand. "Look at me, y/n. Look into my eyes. I will never stop telling you this - I want you around. I need you around. I can't imagine my life without you. You're not just my girlfriend, you are my best friend. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. Life without you would be terrible. If I didn't have you, I don't know how I'd get through."

You cracked a tiny smile.

"And I love you. I'm sorry people are saying things about you. We'll work that out. We will find a way to fix this, to get through it. Whatever you want to do, whatever you need, I'll help. But this isn't okay. You can't do this. I need you."

"Need you, Rosé," you mumbled sadly and leaned your head on her shoulder. "You're not disappointed in me, right?"

"I could never be." She said. "There's nothing you could do was disappoint me. I love you, everything about you. Always have, always will."

"I love you too." You said and she kissed the top of your head before you lifted it from her shoulder to look up at her.

"I know it's hard, but I believe in you."

"Thank you, Rosie."

She just sent you that pretty smile of hers and kissed the tip of your nose.

"You're my tough cookie." She whispered softly as she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "But everyone needs a break. You don't want to face tomorrow, then let's stay home in the comfort of our bed tomorrow. I'll hold you. I'll keep you warm and safe. We'll just lay together and cuddle the day away."

"Don't you have things to do in the studio or practice?"

She shook her head.

"Nope. Tomorrow is reserved for my girl and only my girl."

You put your head on her chest and found comfort in the beat of her heart and her arms wrapping around you.

"It's gonna get better. I can't promise when it will get better, but it will. And I'll be here to hold you and help you through every second of it. Okay? All the good, all the bad, all the in-between, I'll be here for you through it all."

"Don't know what I'd do without you, Rosie."

"I feel the same way about you." She said as she rubbed your back. "But you don't ever have to worry, because I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

She pulled away and put the razor back on the tub before she helped you to bed, where she held you tight in her arms and spoiled you with love and kisses.

"I've got you, my love. I promise that I won't let you go; not ever."

You smiled a little, feeling all of your worries and stresses fade away as she held you tight. You know the road ahead won't be easy but with Rosé there by your side every step of the way you know you'll get through it and come out so much stronger on the other side.

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