you're drunk and don't recognize her as your girlfriend (requested)

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The music and chatter were loud as Rosie stepped into the bar. She was tired and had to drag her feet through the door and the crowd of people.

It was after one thirty in the morning and she had been tucked in bed. She expected you to crawl into bed with her in a couple of hours, not the call from one of your friends saying she needed to come and pick you up.

So here she was, dragging her feet in search of you; her very drunk girlfriend.

"Rosé! Over here!" She heard one of your friends yell from across the room, the same friend that called her a few minutes ago.

She made her way to you, where she saw your friends holding you and attempting to get the drink out of your hand.

She knew you were drunk but didn't think you were so drunk that you couldn't even stand up on your own.

"Y/n?" She said as she strode over to you.

"Oh, thank gosh you're here, Rosie. She's so drunk and she really needs to get home." Your friend said, to which Rosie could only nod and reach out for you.

"Okay, baby girl. Let's get you home." She said, her voice soft and sweet, to try to coax you into her arms and out to the car.

But you looked at her in confusion, staring at her like you had no idea who she was.

"No," you mumbled and tried to push her away. "I can't go with you."

"What? Why not, baby?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed as she looked between you and your equally confused friends.

"I have a girlfriend!"

She started to giggle as it sank in, but it only made you frown.

"My Rosie. I love her. I'm not going with you. I have a girlfriend."

"Baby, I am your girlfriend!" She laughed, finding the situation absolutely adorable. "You're so sweet, y/n. Come on, let's go home."

You still seemed hesitant, but the touch of her hand caressing your own as she intertwined your fingers together made it all click for you.

"Rosie," you mumbled, even cracking a crooked smile as you leaned against her. "You're here. I missed you!"

"Yeah, I'm here, my sweet girl, and I missed you too. Ready to go home?"

You nodded, lips in a pout. It only made her heart melt more.

Your friends handed her your things and she walked you out the door, her arm wrapped around you to keep you steady.

You started to shiver when your skin was exposed to the chilly night air. She shrugged off her hoodie and brought it over your head to keep you warm.

She helped you into the car and buckled you in before taking a good look at you. Your smile was crooked, your eyes glassy. But you were still so sweet, refusing to drop her hand.

"I love you, Rosé."

"I love you too, baby," she smiled at you, squeezing your hand reassuringly.


"Yes, my girl?"

"This one girl tried to get me to go home with her!" You slurred, unaware of Rosie's smile that only grew as you spoke and played with her fingers. "I told her no though! I said that I was taken already and that I love you! But I just thought you should know."

She giggled before peppering kisses across your face.

"Aren't you just the sweetest?" She teased as she brushed your hair behind your ear, kissing your cheek lovingly. "Now, let's get you home and into bed."

You just nodded and closed your eyes, already asleep as she began to drive home.

All she could do as she gazed over at you with every red light and stop sign was shake her head with a giggle as her heart fluttered in her chest.

"I can't wait to laugh about this with you in the morning." She teased, knowing that it would definitely be an exciting morning with you, to say the very least.

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