you give her the silent treatment (requested)

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You laid on the sofa with a blanket over your lap. The remote was in your hand, your cheek resting on the pillow as you flipped through the channels as time continued to pass by.

You heard the sound of a car door slamming shut and you knew Rosé had finally arrived home.

You wondered if it seemed to sink in at all yet for her. If she'd realized yet that today was no normal day, but rather something so special that she brushed off as unimportant before she rushed out the door today for the studio.

And you knew, judging by the way she hurried through the door, that it had truly hit her.

You could feel her eyes on you before you heard her keys fall onto the table and then saw her cross the room, walking in front of the tv and temporarily blocking your view before she sat down on the edge of the sofa.

You ignored her and busied yourself with the tv. You felt her hand lay over the part of your thigh that was exposed due to you moving a little and your skin become exposed from under the blanket.

"Y/N," she whispered softly and watched your eyes.

But you didn't look at her and as much as it hurt her, she understood why. Because you've gotta be hurting, too. More than her.

"I messed up. I know I did and I am so sorry."

You didn't say anything, simply settled on a drama film, and tried to focus on that instead of the ache in your heart.

"You've got every right to be upset with me. I understand. I'm not gonna protest you being upset, because I know I hurt your feelings when I rushed off to the studio and said whatever reason you thought I was staying home was unimportant,"

She paused and tried to brush your skin in circles, but you moved away and her hand fell onto the sofa from your thigh.

"Our anniversary is important. I can't believe I forgot it. I understand why you're upset with me, because I'm upset with me, too. But I love you. I hope you know that."

You sighed and looked away from the tv to look at her. You didn't lock eyes for very long. You quickly turned your gaze away from her.

"You have every right to give me the silent treatment. I get it. But... it's still early in the evening. You might not be up for forgiving me quite yet. But if you are, whenever you are, I'd like to make it up to you."

"I'm really mad at you, Rosie."

"I know."

"And you really hurt my feelings."

That broke her heart even more, like a stab right into it.

"I know." She said again, with a crack in her voice.

"You let me get so excited about our anniversary. You promised we'd spend it together. You promised me dinner and some time with you. Only to forget and brush it off like... it's nothing to you."

"That's not true though." She said, gripping the cushion in her hand as she tried to sneakily inch her fingers close to yours. "It's not nothing. It's the most special day. I'm sorry for forgetting and for saying that. I've just been so busy that it slipped from my mind."

You nodded slowly before lowering your head.

"I just want one day with you. You're so busy all the time. I understand it but I miss you."

"I miss you too."

You cracked a smile and reached for her hand.

"I don't want to go out tonight. I'm not in the mood."

"I understand." She said as you intertwined your fingers together.

"But I do forgive you and you can make it better by cuddling me for now."

She cracked a smile and then got behind you on the sofa, where she put her arms around you and held you close.

"I love you." She said again as she kissed your neck softly.

"I love you too, Rosé."

She felt the weight on her shoulders lift as she tightened her grip on you and began to rack her brain for ideas on how she could spend tomorrow making it all up to you; because she loves you more than anything and you deserve it so much.

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