you're the fifth member and get a lot of hate (requested)

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You kept your head low as you followed the girls into the van. Security surrounded you, keeping you and the girls safe from the excited fans as you exited the building from the recent interview.

You tried to blink away the tears in your eyes. You could feel them staring at you. You're often showered with love from all the fans; all five of you.

But recently, the hate directed at you has been louder than the love and praise you get.

The interviewer had brought it up as they asked the other members questions. They were kind to all the girls, except for you.

The questions they asked you were about how you felt knowing you're the least beloved member right now.

They talked about how the questions or comments they received from the fans either were slim to none compared to the other four or just hateful.

It hurt your feelings. You had to try your very best to hold back your tears. You never cry in front of the fans unless you're on stage with the girls, overwhelmed by all the love.

You got into the van and the door slammed closed behind you. You kept your hoodie over your head and reached into your bag to try to find your earbuds to attempt to block out the noise.

The girls were staring at you. You could sense their worry.

"Y/N? Do you want to talk?" Jisoo asked as she scooted closer to you, her hand falling into yours.

You pulled out your phone, your curiosity getting the best of you. You scrolled through social media.

Some sweet fans were sending you some love and kind messages but as there has been for the past several weeks, the hate seemed to outweigh the love.

In the past almost five years you've been in BLACKPINK, you've learned some things.

Such as how you're the least favorite, you can't have many friends in the industry because people send negative messages to you when the photos leak, and people always try to find reasons to make fun of you.

It hurt.

Every comment you saw made the heartache worse.

Soon, you were sniffling and the tears were falling from your eyes.

"Y/N," Lisa sighed and unbuckled her seat belt to throw her arms around you for a much-needed hug.

"Ignore them, y/n. Those people are just jealous." Jennie comforted as she brushed her hand along your shoulder.

"Are they? Because judging by the way they treat me tell me and tell me how I'm not good enough compared to the four of you says the opposite to me."

They all looked at each other in sadness.

"I know I'll never be as popular as the four of you. I'll never be as loved as the four of you. I just have to accept that."

"That's so untrue." Rosie said as she squeezed your shoulder. "Those fans are not true fans. We don't play favorites. We don't accept that."

"Rosie is right. Some fans might have a bias but to treat you the way they do shows they're not as big of fans as they think they are." Jisoo assured.

The tears continued to fall from your eyes though, despite how much you appreciated the words they said.

Rosie pulled out her phone and opened her Instagram. She selected a photo of just you and her as well a photo of all five of you together before she began to type out a long caption in frustration.

She sent it out and your phones chimed from the notification.

"There." She said, making you a little confused. "They should stop now, I hope."

"Rosé, what did you do?" You asked to which she smiled that beautiful smile at you and said,

"I posted something to make sure the fans know how disappointed we are. I typed out a long message about how BLACKPINK is five. How BLACKPINK wouldn't be BLACKPINK without all five of us. It's five of us or none of us."

"Rosie, you shouldn't have-"

"It needed to be done. I'm tired of seeing you cry from those hateful messages and comments. I hate seeing you be left out. We all do. It needed to be said, so people know we'd rather have fewer fans if it means we've got fans that love all of us equally."

"Rosé is right. It's unfair and it's not okay. It needs to stop. She did the right thing." Lisa agreed.

You gazed at Rosie with tears in your eyes. But they weren't ones of sadness. Rather appreciation and gratitude.

"Thank you."

She got out of her seat to give you a big, comforting hug.

"I'd do anything for you, y/n. Anything. Always." She said as she smiled softly at you and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear before drying your eyes.

"We've been five from the start, since the day we formed as a group. It's about time people start realizing that. We'll never be BLACKPINK any other way." Jennie smiled, happy to see you calming down as you relaxed against Rosé.

They just smiled as they watched you. They've always seen something special between the two of you. They just hoped, someday, when things are better, maybe you'd both realize it too.

Until then, they hope you'll be showered with love and begin to see your worth again; as a person and as a very crucial part of BLACKPINK like you deserve.

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