you're drunk and don't recognize her - part two (requested)

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"Rosie?" You mumbled as you sat up in the empty bed.

You looked around the bedroom for your girlfriend and saw that the curtains were drawn so no light could come through the window. Everything was silent and there were a couple of pain relievers on the nightstand for you.

You quickly realized why they were there. Memories of last night came flooding back to you. You don't remember much. You don't even remember how you got home. You just remember being with your friends and downing drinks while you danced and had a good time.

But you're paying for it now. You could feel the hangover already. Between the sick feeling and the pounding in your head, as well as the headache behind your eyes and the ache of your muscles, it was obvious that you got carried away and drank more than you should've.

"Oh, you're up," Rosé said as she appeared in the doorway with a glass of water in her hands. "Here. Take those. They'll help, hopefully." She mumbled as she handed you the glass and the pain reliever, which you took happily.

"I feel so awful."

"I bet. You were crazy drunk last night."

You groaned and set the glass on the table after you took the medicine and gazed at her with tired eyes.

"I hope I didn't do or say anything stupid or embarrassing."

"Well," she started to say, dragging the word out and watching as your eyes went wide from her response. "You didn't even know who I was when I came to pick you up."

"Oh, no." You grumbled as you buried your face in her hands as the giggles that Rosie has been holding back over the situation all fell from her lips.

"You said you couldn't come with me and I asked why and you said it's because you already have a girlfriend. Your Rosie, who you love so much,"

Another groan fell from your lips over the embarrassment you felt.

"And then, when we made it to the car, you told me all about the girl that tried to get you to go home with her. You told me how you said no to her because you're already taken and you love me so much."

"Oh, my gosh, how humiliating!" You mumbled as you rubbed your hands over your face and she just laughed before leaning forward to lay kisses on your shoulder.

"Yeah, but it was sweet, too. You're cute and clearly very committed to me."

You pulled your hands from your face and pouted your lips at her. She reached forward to brush a lock of hair behind your ear.

"I'm so sorry, Rosé."

"No worries. Better than you throwing up all over me, I guess."

"Don't hold your breath." You said as your stomach turned. You laid on your back and squeezed your eyes shut to fight back the sick feeling. "I'm never going to drink ever again."

"Oh, sure, I've heard that before, y/n!" She teased and rolled her eyes playfully. "You know a night out with your friends is a good thing. You need to let your hair down and have some fun sometimes. But if you can't even recognize your own girlfriend,"

"I know, I know. I got way too carried away." You interrupted and opened your eyes as your stomach settled a little.

"But you know how much I appreciate you always being here to take care of me. You came and got me and you got me home safe. You're always here for me and it means the world. I hope I tell you that more often than I think I do."

She kissed your cheek happily. "You do, and you're my girl. You know there's not a thing that I wouldn't for you."

"Thanks, Rosé."

She nodded wordlessly at you before kissing your cheek.

"Now if only I could just feel better. Everything hurts."

"You should feel better soon, once the medicine kicks in. Should be any minute now." She mumbled as she combed her fingers through your hair. "Is there anything you need me to get for you to help you feel better? Like run you a bath or get a bucket ready for you?"

You chuckled but shook your head.

"No, I'm okay. Could you maybe cuddle me? I just want to sleep."

"I think that's a great idea." She said and gave you a kiss on your temple before lying down beside you and letting you lay your head on her chest. "Try to sleep off this nasty hangover, baby."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too, baby girl," she said and watched you drift off to sleep, hoping you'd wake up feeling better and you could have another laugh about the situation all over again.

Because she wasn't ever gonna let you live it down.

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