you get jealous of Hyeri (requested)

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You stood at the counter, scrolling through your phone while eating your breakfast as you waited for Rosie to come downstairs.

She's been busy the last few days, but you thought you finally had a day to spend together today, and you were looking forward to it already.

But when she made her way downstairs, it wasn't for the reason you hoped it'd be. You thought you'd find her in her pajamas and playfully pushing you out of the way to grab some breakfast for herself too.

But instead, she was dressed and almost ready to go.

"Baby girl? Have you seen my keys?"

"Why do you need them?" You asked curiously, to which she just cracked a crooked smile and gazed at you in confusion, looking at you like you should already know the answer.

"Out with Hyeri. We're gonna meet up for breakfast and hang out for a while."

"Why am I not surprised?" You scoffed and this caught Rosé's attention as she continued to search for her keys.

"What?" She asked and dropped the things in her hands back onto the counter. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"What do you think it means, Rosie? Look back at the last week! You've either had the day off or gotten out of practice or the studio early and you've spent all your time with Hyeri!"

"That's not true. I've spent time with you, baby!"

"Really? You mean like when you get home at eight or nine at night and join me with watching whatever I've already turned on until you fall asleep, which doesn't take long because you're so worn out. Or the time you joined me in the shower for five minutes before you went to bed without a word because you were too tired? Or moments like these, where we're arguing."

"What do you want me to say, y/n? Tell me what you want me to do!"

"To spend time with me!" You exclaimed. "You're always with Hyeri, or the girls, or busy in practice or the studio or doing interviews and photoshoots. I just want to be the one you spend time with for a day! Okay?"

She was silent as she stared at you. Her mind was running. She hadn't realized how she's been neglecting you lately. But she felt terrible now that she was thinking back and catching glimpses of how she's spent her time recently.

"oh, y/n..." she spoke sadly before she walked to you and brought you into her arms. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way."

"It's fine."

"No. It isn't. It's not fine. You're sad and jealous,"

"I am not jealous,"

She laughed and gently pushed your head back down on her shoulder before hugging you tighter.

"Yes, you are. Don't worry, baby. It's kinda cute."

You pulled away with a pout, which she quickly kissed away.

"So cute." She said before kissing you. "Now, you better go set a movie up for us to watch." She winked and headed for the stairs.

"Where are you going?'

"To change back into my pajamas and tell Hyeri that I can't make it because I need some time with my girl. She'll understand. Now go, get that movie set up!"

You nodded and went to head for the living room, only for her to stop you by saying,

"Oh! And we'll eat that breakfast together. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect, Rosie!" You smiled brightly and your girlfriend's heart melted at the sight before she hurried up the stairs to get changed and spend the day with you.

You both need some good quality time together, and you couldn't wait to spend every second in her arms.

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now