oops (requested)

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Rosie's heart was doing leaps in her chest when she walked through the front door only to be met with giggles coming from you and your three-year-old son, Liam. You both looked her way, eyes just as bright as hers were.

"Hey, baby!" You smiled and watched her kick off her shoes. She came over to you, giving you a sweet peck on your lips.

"Hello my babies," she said, booping your son's nose playfully. "Guess what? I have the next two days off!"

Liam sat up from your arms and put his arms out for Rosie. She happily picked up and peppered kisses across his head as he giggled against her chest.

"So I was thinking we could have a movie night?"

"That sounds so fun! What do you think, Liam?"

He looked between the two of you before nodding his head excitedly.

"What should we watch?"

Your son gave you an answer you should've seen coming. Excitedly saying, "monsters" you knew he wanted to watch his favorite movie, monsters inc.

You and Rosie just exchanged a look and a laugh. You're sure you both know that movie by heart by now since it's his favorite and he watches it almost every day. Though you might get a little bored of it at times, you find it hard to complain when he's always so happy when it plays.

"Okay. How about you get that ready, Rosé? I'll go grab us something to drink."

Liam passed you his cup, wordlessly telling you he was out of his juice. So you took it and went to the kitchen. Your only intention was getting something to drink for the three of you and hurrying back so you didn't miss a second of family time.

But you weren't really watching where you were going and you ended up tripping over one of his toys on the floor and stubbed your toe on the counter. You weren't thinking and in the midst of the pain in your toe and the surprise of the situation, one word fell from your lips.


You groaned and picked up the toy car you tripped over.

You felt a hand on your back and saw Rosie beside you on her knees.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Good. Now, what were you thinking?!" She said, voice raised slightly but not loud enough for Liam to hear. "He's right over there! You don't want our three-year-old repeating those words! You know he's curious and he's picking up new words left and right. The last thing we need is to put him in preschool next year and his vocabulary to be only made up of curse words."

You shook your head with a laugh and Rosie's eyes went from displeased to soft.

"I know. I'm sorry. I've never sworn around his before. You know it wasn't on purpose."

"I know. I'm sorry for getting upset."

"It's alright." You promised and squeezed her hand.

"You're sure you're okay?"

"I'm positive." You said, starting to smile as she leaned in and gave you a few kisses on your lips. You laced your fingers through her hair, melting into the sweet taste of her lips.

You only broke away when you heard,


You laughed and Rosie helped you onto your feet before kissing your cheek and going back to the sofa to watch the movie. You joined them a moment later with some water for you and Rosie and Liam's cup.

He sat between the both of you, his small hand wrapped in Rosie's and head on your shoulder. As they giggled together, you found yourself more focused on them rather than the movie you've seen countless times before. All you could do was smile, knowing that you're the luckiest woman in the world to have the most beautiful family.

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now