true love (requested)

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You were cozy on the sofa in Rosie's apartment, wrapped in her arms as a cozy movie played. You both had the day off and with nowhere to be and nothing to do, there didn't seem to be any better way than to spend it watching your favorite films.

She was laying little kisses to your forehead and brushing her fingers through your hair. Your eyes closed and your heart started to swell in your chest. You felt blissful like nothing could ruin these perfect moments.

Except, for the unexpected visitor. The door swung open, the sound of your sister's voice causing you both to jump and look her way.

"Jisoo? Hey, you didn't say you were dropping by today." Rose spoke, reaching around you to grab the remote to pause the film.

"I'm sorry. I forgot to knock, it's just a habit." She explained and her eyes quickly fell onto you. You looked so happy with Rosé and though she still found it a little weird since you're her sister and that's one of her best friends, she's slowly coming around.

"It's fine, we're just watching a movie. Everything okay?" Rosé asked, unwrapping her arm from around you as you sat up and cleared your throat.

"I'm gonna go get some water. Either of you need anything?"

They shook their heads and watched you leave the room. You went to the fridge and poured yourself some cold water, sipping on it slowly. You'd hoped by now that you'd hear some laughter or some cheerful voices. But they were being oddly quiet and that worried you slightly.

You were about to leave the kitchen and go back into the living room when you heard your name. Their voices were quiet and you were clearly the topic of the conversation. Curious, you froze on your feet and stood against the wall where you could listen clearly without being seen.

"I really need you to talk to me," Jisoo said and, in response, you could almost picture the confusion written on your girlfriend's face.

"What? Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Or, at least, I hope so." Jisoo spoke quietly. "I know you and y/n have been together a few months now. I understand why you didn't tell me until only a few weeks ago. But I really need to know how you really feel about her. I mean, are you really serious about her? Because I know you mean everything in the world to her and I've been thinking about it a lot and if things don't work out, it puts me in a tough position being both your best friend and her sister."

Rosie looked around, clearly checking to see if you were there, before turning to Jisoo to answer her question and ease her worries.

"Jisoo, I promise you that I'm not gonna hurt y/n. I care about her so much. I'd do anything for her, anything at all. She's everything I've ever wanted."

Jisoo couldn't help but smile. She was listening to every word and not only did she hear Rosé loud and clear, but she could also see the genuineness behind her words. The way she would smile when she said your name and how bright her eyes were. How she spoke about you like you're what her whole world revolves around. Like you were the sole reason her heart was beating.

"I only ever want y/n. I know we've only been together a few minutes but she's the only one I see for me. I promise I won't ever hurt her. I care about her too much. I," she paused, cracking a smile and chuckling to herself before saying, "love her. I really love her, Jisoo."

Your eyes went wide, breath hitching. They both turned to look at you as you peeked around the corner.

You and Rosé stared at each other as you walked closer and closer to her till you were within arm's reach. She put her arms around you and brought you onto her lap.

"Love you too." You whispered and kissed her slowly and lovingly, only pulling away a few seconds later when you heard your sister giggling.

"You're so cute together. I'm happy you found each other. At least I know you're always safe with one another and your love is really genuine."

You nodded as you gazed into your girlfriend's eyes. Dropping your forehead onto hers, you watched the stars appear in her eyes.

You kissed her cheek before laying your cheek on her shoulder, relishing in the brush of her fingertips along your back.

Jisoo just watched with a bright smile. She knew right then and there that you'd both found the one, and she was happy for you both.

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