marriage (requested)

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You tried to block out the bright and warm golden rays of the sun shining into the room.

You draped your forearm over your eyes and turned over to bury your face into the pillow, only for Rosé to chuckle from behind you and crawl back into bed.

The strap of your tank-top was sliding down your shoulder, so she took a moment to leave a little kiss to your exposed and soft skin. She brushed her fingers along your back and even though you tried to hide it, she could see the smile tugging at your lips.

"I know you're awake." She spoke quietly, only for your smile to disappear and for your lips to part. It's what you do when you sleep; your lips part and soft little breaths fall from your lips and it was a sight that she loves to relish in.

"Hey, sleeping beauty. We're on our honeymoon. Don't you wanna wake up and go adventuring?"

You tried to pout your lips, wanting to whine about staying in bed. But it was impossible to pout when you felt the rush of happiness come over you. Your heart fluttered at the word 'honeymoon' and suddenly, everything about yesterday came into your mind again.

The wedding, your sweet vows that you exchanged, the flight to the beautiful place you've dreamt of visiting for so long and you get to now with your wife.

Your wife.

It all felt so surreal, but all so perfect.

You opened your eyes and saw that she had moved so she could lay her cheek on your shoulder. Her lips were only inches from yours, her eyes looking deeply into your own.

Her's were bright, filled with adoration and happiness as she stared at you and leaned in with her hand to caress your cheek.

You caught a glimpse of the ring on her finger. You wrapped your fingers around her hand, bringing her palm to your lips where you closed and your eyes and let your lips brush lovingly against her soft skin.

"Your hands are so soft." You whispered, opening your eyes once again. "I can't believe it. We're really married."

"It's amazing, isn't it? I've dreamt of this moment for the longest time. I've always promised that we'd spend forever together and now we really get to. I get to spend all my days loving you. I get to fall even more in love with you every day, for the rest of our lives."

Your heart felt so warm. You rolled onto your back and put your arms around her neck to pull her close. Her heart was beating against your own. It seemed to beat a little faster when you used your other hand to brush your thumb along her lips.

"Yesterday was everything I've ever dreamt of it being."

She nodded her head happily, brushing her lips along your cheek. "Same here."

A moment of comfortable silence passed. A moment where you were able to relish in the brush of her lips on your own and let your heart soar as your fingers intertwined.

"What do you wanna do today? We could go to the beach," she paused, kissing your cheek. "We could have a lunch date," a kiss on your jaw followed. "We could go for a walk? Do a little adventuring. Maybe have a date at a cozy restaurant nearby."

You stared at her, brushing your hand along her cheek.

You were in awe. For a moment, you got to really appreciate her. It all hit you; how lucky you are to spend forever with her.

"I just wanna be with you." You whispered. "I feel like the happiest, luckiest girl in the world. You don't even know how happy you make me. Now... I get to be with you forever. I just can't believe it."

"You better believe it, baby. We're in this for life now!" She spoke happily, letting her forehead fall onto yours as she brushed her thumb along your ring finger; admiring the beautiful rings that were set on your finger for life now.

"How about we spend the next few hours here? Just relax and spend time being present with each other. We've got another week to spend here, so we have no reason to rush."

You nodded, leaning in to kiss her again before she pulled back to nudge her nose against your cheek.

Your heart felt like it was gonna burst out of your chest as she put her arms around you and started to talk about what she saw in the future for you both. Pets. A bigger house. Settling down into married life and maybe a family somewhere in between.

The beginning of the rest of your life was starting now and there was no one else you'd rather spend it with than her.

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now