she's clingy (requested)

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"Rosie?" You spoke softly, brushing your fingers through your girlfriend's hair as you stared down at her adoringly.

She had her arms wrapped around you and her head on your chest. She's been clinging to you all morning, refusing to stay in bed when you got up.

She's been following you everywhere today. She followed you into the bathroom when you brushed your teeth, held onto you when you had to get some water just a little while ago, and she's refused to let you go since you came back up to bed.

"Hey, sweet girl," you whispered and she cracked a smile and stared up at you with those beautiful eyes. "I need you to let me go for a minute."

"No," she whined and moved so she could bury her face in your neck.

"Rosie," you giggled as her warm breath tickled your skin. You ran your hand along her back, letting your nails gently brush along her soft skin. "I'm hungry. I won't be long."

"Fine." She grumbled and moved so you could get up.

But you didn't make it very far before she was holding onto you again. You reached the bottom step and felt her arms wrap around you from behind, a contented hum fell from her lips as soon as she was hugging you again.

"You're clingy today." You teased and suddenly, she pulled back. You turned around to stare at her. You couldn't deny the pang of sadness you felt when she let go.

"Sorry." She mumbled. "Just been missing you. Now that I have some time to spend with you, I don't want to let go."

You took her hands into yours and walked backward into the kitchen, so you could see that sweet smile tugging at her lips just a little longer.

"Baby, I was only teasing." You grinned. "I like when you're clingy. I've missed you a lot, so it feels nice being able to be held by you and be able to hold you just as tightly. It's cute, Rosé. You are cute."

She smiled and hugged you once more, letting her head fall onto your chest yet again. She couldn't resist laying some soft kisses to your neck as she breathed in your smell, finding comfort in it and in you, like always.

"Are you hungry?"

"Of course." She grinned as she lifted her head, gazing at you with stars in her eyes.

You grabbed some snacks to share before you made your way back to bed, holding onto each other the best you could as you climbed the stairs.

You got into bed and she curled up by your side again, giggling happily as you fed her some of the snacks.

The sound made your heart flutter uncontrollably. You love seeing her happy. Nothing makes you happier, especially when it's because of you that she's so happy.

You brushed your hand along her cheek and she leaned into your touch. She intertwined your free hand with hers, bringing it to her lips for some soft kisses across your knuckles.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more." She whispered softly before burying her face in your neck, letting her lips brush along every inch of your skin.

You tilted your head back and felt her grip tighten just a little. She let her teeth sink gently into your skin, wanting to leave a few little marks behind since neither of you has anywhere to be or anyone to be around for the next two days.

"I'm so happy we have some time to spend together. I missed moments like these with you."

"Me too." You whispered and let your fingertips brush along her back in circles. You lifted her chin so you could push your lips onto hers.

Usually, after so much apart from each other, you'd be pulled in for steamy, passionate kisses. But right now, they were soft and sweet. The desire was still there, behind each and every kiss you shared. But they were all just full of love, so innocent and romantic.

"Promise me something, Rosé?" You asked against her lips, slowly pulling away from the kiss so you could gaze into her starry eyes.


"We've got the rest of today and tomorrow to spend together. So, promise me that you won't let go. I want you to hold me as close as you can, because I'm going to be doing the same with you. I just missed you too much not to."

You watched her smile, watched that cute grin tug at her sweet and kissable lips.

"I don't think I could stop clinging to you even if I tried. Trust me, I won't let you go, my love."

She pulled you in for another kiss after the words left her lips, but she pulled away just a couple of seconds later. She clung to you, wanting to be as close to you as she possibly could be.

She tangled her legs with yours, kept her arms tight around you so she could cling to you even in the comfort of your bed. She kept your hands intertwined, only letting go of one on occasion so you could share some more snacks.

Her head stayed on your chest, her ear right over your heart. She closed her eyes and breathed in your smell.

She felt warm and content, happier than she's felt in quite some time. Her heart wouldn't stop fluttering, her chest full of butterflies when you'd laugh at the film you turned on or when you'd hold her tighter.

She knew there's nowhere else in the world she'd rather be or any other way she'd want to spend her days off than right there with you. She just hoped that tomorrow would be just like this.

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