waking you up for cuddles

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The time on the clock read that it was 3:04 am. Rosé knew better than to check the time again because it was only getting later and later each time she did and it only seemed to make her grow more and more frustrated each time, but she found the urge hard to resist.

She's been wide awake for the last hour or so. You both agreed to call it a night after your movie ended around midnight. You were both exhausted and with a quick kiss, both of you fell right asleep as soon as your head hit the pillows.

Rosé wasn't sure why she had woken up exactly. She was a little cold but after bringing the blankets a little tighter around her shoulders she was warm and cozy. But she hasn't been able to fall back asleep. She longed for your embrace. Being in your arms always makes her feel better. Being able to listen to the steady beat of your heart while you held her close always brought her comfort.

But you were sleeping with your back facing her. She couldn't just wiggle her way into your arms when you weren't facing her. The last thing she wanted was to have to wake you after your own busy day, but she needs you, and the more time that passed the more she longed for the comfort only you can bring her.

She shook her head of the thought of waking you and closed her eyes once more. She tried to sleep. She really did. But she just laid there with her eyes closed, feeling hopeless with each second that went by.

She looked back at the clock one last time and when she saw that it was almost four am, she knew she had no other choice. It was clear that if she didn't wake you, if she wasn't being held by you, she was gonna have to settle for that hour of sleep she had gotten.

She scooted a little closer to you. Her hand gently fell to your back and she rubbed it slowly, softly, and soon your eyes were opening and you were turning your head to look over at her.

"Hm? Rosé? What is it?" You asked and Rosé felt a little guilty for waking you when she heard your voice. You were still so tired. You wanted to just go right back to sleep.

But you didn't. Not when Rosé had woken you up. You knew she needed something. She doesn't just wake you up just because.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't wanna wake you but I woke up a while ago and I can't get back to sleep and, well, I was just wondering if you could... hold me?"

She heard you chuckle quietly before you asked, "You woke me up for cuddles?"

Rosé nodded and it felt like your heart melted. "Of course I'll cuddle you, baby! I'm always happy to cuddle with my girl, no matter what."

She smiled and when she was wrapped up in your arms just a few seconds later, she breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Better?" You asked as you brushed your fingers through her hair. Letting her be the small spoon, she was laying her head on your chest, and just like always the beat of your heart was bringing her relief.

"Thank you. Being in your arms makes it all better. You make me feel safe. Loved."

You smiled sleepily and leaned down to brush your lips across her forehead. She gently grabbed your cheek and pulled you down for a kiss to your lips. "I love you. I'm glad you find the same comfort in my arms that I find in yours. I'm always here for you. Never worry about waking me up. I'm here to hold you, always."

You gave her one more kiss to her lips and then to her cheek and then her forehead. She hummed softly and let her tired eyes close. Feeling so safe in your arms, she found herself drifting right off to sleep as you hummed ever so softly in her ear and let your fingers brush through her hair.

"I love you, beautiful girl. Sweet dreams." You whispered out a few minutes later when you knew she was finally fast asleep. With a sleepy smile on your face, you fell asleep again just a couple of minutes later, finding that you were also relieved and much more content than you were before now that Rose was in your arms.

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