chapter 55

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I wake up and struggle to open my eyes due to the rays of sunshine in the room. The curtains are still not drawn  yet but by the amount of sunlight in the room I can tell that it's pretty late! And my stomach is busy growling.

I'm still kind of sleepy and am contemplating on whether to wake up or not but when I look at the clock on the stand, my eyes open wide!

It's almost 1!

I've never been one to sleep in this late!  even when I worked  late at the club!

And why do I feel so damn tired?! I think am about to come down with something.

I sit up slowly, ready to get off the bed but before I can, the door is pushed open and Alex walks in a worried look on his face.

" Good morning, sleeping beauty , " he says with a smile walking towards the bed.

" Morning love," I say as he hops on the bed and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. " Why didn't you wake me up? "

" You seemed tired and i didn't want to bother you.Come let's get you something to eat, you must be hungry? "

" Am super hungry, " I say as I get off the bed but instantly feel dizzy the second I stand and slowly sit back on the bed.

" Hey, are you okay? "

" I don't know. I feel kind of dizzy but I guess it's because I haven't eaten  anything yet. "

" Are you sure? Nothing else hurts? " Alex asks and I nod my head. " Okay, " He says getting up and lifts me up bridal style. "Since you can't walk right now, I'll be happy to carry you to your destination M'lady. "

" Why thank you kind sir, " I say smiling up at him. " To the kitchen, " I say point to the door and he let's out a small chuckle.

He carries me all the way and places me on a chair once we get to the dinning room. He gets me breakfast and feeds me, making sure I eat every bit of it and I can tell he's surprised that am not complaining. Normally, I don't eat this much but lately , I seem to have this crazy appetite !

" Is there more?" I ask once my plate is empty and he looks at me surprised!

" You want more?  Are you sure you are okay?  I mean ,we are always forcing food down your throat but today, you cant get enough!"

" I know and believe me, I don't understand it my self, " I say as I watch him get up and walk back with more.

" Thank you. "

" Anytime babe, anyway, have you thought about what we talked about last week. "

" We talked about a lot of things last week Alex, you'll have to be specific, " I say stuffing my face with bread.

" About you going back to school," he says.

Alex wants me to go back to school and he's willing to pay for everything but am kind of reluctant about that. I don't want him to spend his money on me, that will make me feel like am taking advantage of him and I've never been that kind of person.

I know,  I should be excited and grateful about it and I am, I mean, I have a chance to finish school and finally get a good job!

I can give my sister everything she deserves from my hard earned money but am still not sure.

" I haven't thought about it yet. "

"Come on Vee ! There's actually nothing to think about. Stop being such a diva, and let me take care of you!" he says taking my hand. " What's wrong ? Don't you want to finish your studies and get to live the life that was stolen from you? "

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